
Queen Emma had given Yohana a list of vendors and contacts to help her with the charity ball. Henrie himself had asked the queen to provide this assistance as the queen was relieved of the task by handing the responsibility to Yohana.

Today was a crucial day for Yohana as she met with Sir Flori Jaeger, the Production Manager referred by the queen on the list.

As Sir Flori arrived at the splendid palace, he was greeted warmly by Yohana. Yohana had thoughtfully prepared a delightful array of snacks and tea to make the conversation even more pleasant and comfortable.

The moment Sir Flori stepped into the audience room, he couldn't help but notice the sumptuous spread of delicacies beautifully arranged on the serving tables. The aromas wafting through the room were tantalizing, and his eyes sparkled with appreciation for the attention to detail.

"Welcome, Sir Flori," Yohana greeted with a warm smile. "Thank you for coming. Please, have a seat. Can I offer you some tea or snacks?"

Sir Flori gracefully accepted the offer with a polite nod, "Thank you, My Lady. I must say, I'm impressed by the preparations you've made for this meeting. Are you expecting a lot of guests, My Lady?"

Yohana blushed slightly at the compliment, humbly acknowledging his praise. "As a matter of fact, I'm expecting a few guests, Sir. Today, I have dedicated my time to organizing the charity ball. It is a grand and significant event for Reichwein, and I shall spare no effort to ensure its success."

"I can sense your passion and dedication. It's a rare quality to find in someone so young," he remarked.

Sir Flori's expression turned sour as he paused and voiced his concerns, "My Lady, please forgive me for saying this, but it usually takes months to prepare a ball. Are you sure this is feasible? Isn't it better to announce a cancellation in advance so people of Reichwein can celebrate Luminara on their own?"

"We have a tight deadline, and the budget is limited," Yohana admitted. But she remained unfazed, wearing a confident smile, "However, you need not worry about that, Sir Flori."

After hours of engaging discussion, Yohana couldn't help but notice Sir Flori's timid nature. He seemed to doubt his opinions even after voicing them, which made her understand why the queen had recommended him for the task.

As Yohana considered Sir Flori's role as the Production Manager for the charity ball, a hint of concern crept into her mind. She worried that his forgetfulness and inability to multitask might hinder the event's success.

Despite his shortcomings, there was one aspect that made Yohana want to keep him around – the fact that Sir Flori had agreed to work for free.

Being an elderly man, finding clients had been a challenge for him, especially with people doubting his skills due to his timid demeanor. But Yohana's offer to introduce him to other nobles as part of a free marketing strategy had swayed him immediately.

Additionally, Sir Flori possessed a wide network of small to mid-sized vendors, which perfectly aligned with Yohana's target audience. While major vendors might decline her free marketing scheme, smaller ones could be enticed by the opportunity.

Yohana felt a sense of hope as she realized that Sir Flori's strengths could be harnessed effectively with careful planning. With her dedication and his expertise, the charity ball had the potential to become a resounding success. All she needed to do was ensure that the vendors performed well and delivered their best.

Yohana came up with a method to tackle Sir Flori's forgetfulness. She gently suggested a practical solution to help him stay on top of his tasks.

"Sir Flori, I have a small trick that might prove useful," Yohana began, a warm smile on her face. "Why don't you write down the list of tasks you need to complete? Keep a piece of paper with you at all times, preferably in your pocket. That way, you can easily refer to it throughout the day."

The elderly Production Manager seemed intrigued by the idea. "And how will that help me, My Lady?"

Yohana's eyes sparkled with enthusiasm as she continued, "Well, you can also carry a pen with you. Whenever you finish a task, simply mark it as done on the paper. This way, you can easily track your progress and know what still needs to be completed. It'll make things much more manageable."

Sir Flori's eyes widened in realization. "That's quite clever! I must say, I've never thought of such a simple yet effective method."

"It's the little things that can make a big difference," Yohana replied cheerfully. "With this technique, even if you can't remember every detail, you'll still be able to get the job done efficiently."

Sir Flori nodded in agreement, feeling grateful for Yohana's practical advice. "Thank you, My Lady. I will certainly give it a try."

Yohana beamed with satisfaction, knowing that her solution would help Sir Flori overcome his forgetfulness and excel in his role. They went over the upcoming tasks, and Yohana watched as Sir Flori diligently noted everything down on the piece of paper that Thea provided.

After the meeting was concluded, Yohana thanked Sir Flori for his commitment to the cause. "Sir Flori, your willingness to be a part of this endeavor means a great deal to me. I truly believe that, together, we can create something remarkable for Reichwein."

Sir Flori's eyes gleamed with gratitude as he responded, "My Lady, it's an honor to be a part of this noble cause. I shall put my heart and soul into making this event a memorable one."


As Yohana returned after walking Sir Flori to the palace gate, she and Thea met with Zara, the headmaid. Zara was carrying a basket of laundry in her hands and looked shocked when she bumped into Yohana and Thea in the corridor. Several sheets of clothing fell from the huge pile in the basket.

Thea quickly bent and helped pick up the fallen clothes. Yohana also offered a hand, although Zara snatched the cloth from her hand rather harshly. That action surprised Yohana, and she looked at Zara, wondering why she was that rude toward her.

"Hey, that's not the way you treat the lady of the crown prince!" Thea came to Yohana's defense, not liking a moment of rudeness that Zara showed.

But the headmaid seemed to recognize that too, as her face flushed with embarrassment. Yohana was certain that Zara did that spontaneously, which meant that she probably hated her because of something or she was feeling guilty because of something.

Yohana assumed the latter. As the personal maid of the queen, it was easy to guess that Zara was one of the people that the queen would order to do evil deeds on her behalf. Yohana scorned a woman who would not dirty her hands and instead abused her power for her own gains.

Despite that, Yohana bore no grudge against her. What could a mere maid, albeit the headmaid, do against the wishes of the queen? If she refused to do what the queen had asked, Zara could lose her head.

Thinking of the queen's possible harsh treatment toward Zara, Yohana noticed a big scratch on her face, which she tried to hide with strands of her hair.

Yohana reached out and inquired, "Are you hurt?"

Zara, once again being rude, hit Yohana's hand and ran from the scene.

"What's wrong with her?! My Lady, I will give her a good scolding tonight. Don't worry, even though she's the headmaid, I'm not scared of her," Thea began to blabber.

Yohana cut her and said, "Thea, there's an ointment in my chamber. I brought it from home. Can you please give it to Zara tonight? Tell her that it can help the scratch to heal faster. But don't tell her it is from me."

"Why?" Thea whined.

"My intention is genuine, and I don't need anything from her. Can you please do that for me?"

Thea reluctantly nodded, though it seemed that she had another plan in mind.