Don’t Mention My Name

The jar labeled Ase Root was so tiny that Thea had a hard time finding it in Lady Runa's cupboard, even though it was neatly organized. She remembered how adamant Lady Runa was about keeping her help a secret from Zara.

"Thea, remember not to disclose the source of this ointment. Tell her that it's your family secret or a cousin of yours gave it to you. Do not mention my name," Lady Runa had instructed just before Thea left her chamber for the servant's quarters.

However, Thea had no intention of following through with Lady Runa's request. Why would she hide Lady Runa's kindness when almost everyone in the palace scorned her due to a distorted truth?

In truth, Lady Runa was far from what the other servants spoke of her. She was graceful, elegant, courageous, and forgiving.

No other noblewoman would bow down to help dust off a servant's knees. No other noblewoman would secretly support a bullied servant. Lady Runa was a rare gem among nobility.

Lady Runa was strong. Despite Queen Emma's relentless efforts to bring her down, she cleverly evaded all attacks and protected her position. She treated Thea not as a mere servant, but like a part of her own family, genuinely caring for her.

Almost all the servants had retreated to their rooms for the night. Thea, now sharing a separate room with Maxine, halted before the nearest door to the exit and knocked gently.

"Zara, it's me, Thea," she announced herself, unsure of what kind of response she would receive.

Zara, as the headmaid, had the luxury of her own room, distinct from the other servants.

Thea couldn't say for certain if Zara was involved in the cruel treatment Lady Runa endured under Queen Emma's wrath, but she was certain that Zara did nothing to intervene or help her.

Before Lady Runa's arrival, the royal palace was in a state of upheaval. Queen Emma had been furious over Prince Henrie's sudden decision to bring Lady Runa here.

When the prince requested a room for Lady Runa, Queen Emma instructed Zara to prepare the adjacent chamber beside the servant's quarters. The queen also directed Zara to appoint Thea, the most inexperienced servant, to attend to Lady Runa.

Though Thea was thankful for the opportunity, she couldn't help but resent the reason behind it.

At first, Thea wondered what kind of person the former princess was. She had expected beauty to come with a nasty personality, but Lady Runa defied that assumption.

"What is it?" Zara cautiously cracked open the door, her eyes swollen, and her wounded face damp.

"Are you putting medicine on your face?" Thea inquired, genuinely curious.

Zara quickly concealed the wound with her palm and replied, "I bought something from the market."

"That won't do. The cheap stuff might worsen the wound," Thea insisted, nudging the door open a bit more, causing Zara to stagger backward.

As Thea entered, she noticed the torn and stained dresses scattered on the floor. It seemed Zara had tried to remove the stains but without success.

"What are you doing?! Get out!" Zara tried to push Thea out of her room, but Thea skillfully evaded her, picking up the soiled dresses.

"What happened here?"

Zara squeezed her arm, biting her lower lip as she quivered, trying to hold back tears. "You don't have to know," she muttered, clearly struggling with her emotions.

Thea wasn't about to back down. She firmly grabbed Zara's arms, showing deep concern. "If anyone abuses you, you shouldn't bear it. Even if it's the queen."

Zara's eyes widened in shock at Thea's bold words. "Do you not value your life? If someone hears it and tells the queen, you will lose your neck."

Closing the door behind her, Zara leaned against it, taking a deep breath before confessing, "Lady Odetta did this. Her Majesty's anger sometimes gets to her, and Lady Odetta thinks it's all because I didn't do my job properly."

"What? She can't do this!" Thea was appalled that a mere lady-in-waiting would abuse her power, especially when she had very little authority to begin with. "Have you told Her Majesty about this? The queen should reprimand her for what she's done to you."

Zara shook her head sadly. "Why would she do that for a maid like me? I better shut my mouth and pretend this never happened. It's the best course of action."

As she folded her dresses and shoved them into her small wardrobe, tears streamed down Zara's face. She let out a bitter laugh. "By the Saints! What's wrong with me? Why am I crying? Nothing bad has happened, though."

Witnessing Zara's pain, Thea felt an overwhelming urge to console her. When Thea was bullied, she had Lady Runa who gave her the valor to face her bully. But Zara had no one like that to rely on, and she was forced to face a lonely battle.

Unable to stand by and do nothing, Thea pulled her into a hug, patting her back gently, allowing Zara to pour her heart out through tears.

"A stupid person like me might not be able to help you out of your situation, but Lady Runa might be able to help. I will speak to her about this," Thea said earnestly.

Zara released herself from Thea's embrace and replied, "She won't help. No one will. Can't you see, Thea? We are on our own."

Refusing to give up, Thea grabbed Zara's hand and placed the Ase Root jar on her open palm. "We are not. Lady Runa has helped me numerous times already. I know I may be pushing my luck, but I have to try, and Lady Runa is kind, so she won't easily push us away if she can help."

Zara's gaze landed on the tiny jar in her hand, curiosity mixing with her emotions. "What is this?"

Thea smiled, finally having the chance to show Zara the first proof of Lady Runa's kindness. "Lady Runa said it helps you heal your wounds faster. Did I not tell you not to believe in rumors? Lady Runa is different from other nobles. She doesn't look down on anyone and always extends her hand to help, although she prefers to do it from the shadows."

Zara's eyes welled up in tears again, but she quickly wiped her cheeks, her expression turning suspicious. "Is she buying me to get on her side? Because she knows that I'm Her Majesty's maid."

"What are you saying? Of course not! Initially, Lady Runa told me not to mention her name. That's who she is. She doesn't want to take credit for her kindness. But I don't agree with it. I say she should let everyone know," Thea declared triumphantly, determined to show Zara the true nature of her favorite lady.

Zara faltered, her emotions in turmoil, but a glimmer of hope crossed her face. "Will... will she help me?"

"I'll talk to her tomorrow," Thea reassured, her voice filled with determination, and then she left the room.


Thanks to Henrie's persistent requests, Queen Emma reluctantly compiled a list of vendors and individuals who could assist with the charity ball organization. Although she initially resisted, the constant pestering from her son left her with little choice.

However, the queen wasn't one to simply accept her fate; she devised a cunning scheme to wield control over the event's progress. With a sly smile, she wrote down Sir Flori's name on the list.

The queen had worked with Sir Flori before and knew all too well that he lacked the necessary skills to manage such an important task. His track record of mishandling small details had nearly resulted in a disastrous outcome in the past, saved only by Landgravine Natali's last-minute intervention.

Queen Emma relished the thought of seeing Lady Runa's downfall and basked in the praise from Lady Odetta, who eagerly showered her with flattery.

"That's very clever, Your Majesty! I can't wait to see Lady Runa being humiliated in front of everyone soon," Lady Odetta said.