Another Patron

Lady Felicia signaled to her attendants, who exited the room only to reappear with a grand platter. They delicately served the exquisitely adorned dish before Yohana, presenting a feast for the senses.

Before her sat a creamy soup, vibrant with vegetables and aromatic herbs. Then, came a bite-sized indulgence of salmon embellished with a delicate aspic. Soon after, Yohana savored the velvety richness of foie gras, bringing the first course to a sumptuous close.

The following course delighted with sauteed creations. The third installment showcased an array of creatively prepared vegetables, each a demonstration of Lady Felicia's culinary prowess.

As Yohana relished each morsel, the assortment of flavors left her content, yet satisfied with a single bite.

Lady Felicia's gaze remained fixed upon Yohana, a hopeful anticipation lingering in her eyes, seeking the affirmation she so desired. In response, Yohana shared her honest assessment,

"The flavors melded in such harmony; your cuisine rivals that of the palace's kitchen. I am confident that your eating establishment will flourish, especially with the right exposure."

A fleeting twinkle dimmed in Lady Felicia's eyes, replaced by a hint of vulnerability as she confessed, "I've not had many friends. You, Lady Runa, are the first to grace my home."

She continued, "I must admit, I'm quite reserved and often find myself rambling aimlessly. Other young ladies do not appreciate my awkwardness. They deem me unfit for polite conversation, and perhaps, I do carry an air of glumness."

Gently tapping her mouth with the napkin, Yohana's eyes sparkled as she spoke, "You know, that sentiment only prevails because they haven't had the privilege of truly knowing you. Those who lend their ears to your words will uncover your charm, just as I have."

Moved by the genuine warmth in Yohana's words, Lady Felicia found her emotions welling up. She offered a grateful smile, though it was accompanied by a tender tear. Swiftly, she retrieved her handkerchief, blotting away the evidence of her emotions.

Seizing the moment, Yohana's voice carried a note of enthusiasm, "Now, speaking of exposure, this is where I can lend a hand. It turns out that I'm seeking a talented chef, someone of your caliber, to assist me in the upcoming grand charity ball."

Lady Felicia's eyes widened with a mixture of surprise and excitement, her composure momentarily forgotten. "A charity ball for the Luminara festival?"

Yohana's smile brightened. "Yes. I've been entrusted with organizing the event, and I believe your dishes could act as a direct appeal to the nobility. Once they've had a taste of your exquisite cooking, they'll undoubtedly be drawn to your establishment for more."

As Lady Felicia contemplated the offer, Yohana continued, a note of candor in her voice, "However, I must be upfront with you. I can't provide monetary compensation for your services. The palace will supply all the raw materials you need for the meals. This would be a voluntary endeavor, a contribution to the cause."

Yohana held a tinge of uncertainty. Given the series of rejections she had faced, she questioned whether Lady Felicia would also decline this arrangement. After all, offering one's skills without financial gain was a considerable request.

The tension in the air was swiftly broken, as Lady Felicia rose from her seat with a determination that shone in her eyes. She clasped Yohana's hands in her own, excited. "Yes! Please allow me to take part in this. It would be an honor."

Yohana shifted her gaze, her tone serious yet gently poised. "There's another matter I'd like to discuss," she initiated, steering the conversation toward the trial involving The Tattler's Tales.

Observing Lady Felicia's reaction, Yohana couldn't help but find her fiery indignation endearing. The lady's lips tightened, and her fingers formed fists on the table.

"How could they have done such a thing to you? I wouldn't forgive them," Lady Felicia exclaimed, her voice tinged with anger.

A small smile played at the corner of Yohana's lips. "You might be surprised to know, Lady Felicia, that the scandal surrounding this has taken on a life of its own. It seems the entire kingdom is abuzz with speculation," Yohana remarked, intrigued that the rumor hadn't fully reached Lady Felicia's ears.

Lady Felicia's response was candid. "I'm not an avid reader of The Tattler's Tales, and my circle of acquaintances is rather limited. You, my dear, are my closest companion. Without your words, I would remain blissfully unaware," she admitted.

"What about your household staff? Haven't they caught wind of the rumors circulating?" Yohana further inquired.

"They might have heard whispers, but my family doesn't pay much attention to baseless rumors. They tend to fizzle out before they reach our ears," Lady Felicia replied with a firm nod.

Yohana couldn't help but be impressed by individuals who stood apart from the rumor mill. This admiration for Lady Felicia and her family grew within her. "It's refreshing to encounter those in high society who don't indulge in such gossip," Yohana commented with genuine appreciation.

Turning her attention to the matter at hand, Yohana addressed Lady Felicia with a mixture of earnestness and hope. "If it's not too much to ask, I would be grateful if you could testify in court about our presence together during the incident. Your account could greatly aid in establishing my innocence."

A shadow of something deeper flickered across Lady Felicia's gaze as she responded, "Certainly, I'm more than willing."

"In fact, my mother was once ensnared by their false stories as well. She had no choice but to endure it silently, hoping time would sweep the scandal away," she revealed, her voice carrying a mixture of empathy and resolve.

Yohana's gratitude was palpable as she expressed, "Thank you, Lady Felicia. Your willingness to step forward means a lot to me."

Lady Felicia leaned in, her eyes gleaming with determination. "I have just one condition, Lady Runa: You must win this. You must teach that newspaper a lesson. In helping you, I'm avenging my mother's pain too," she declared, her words ringing with unwavering conviction.

"Rest assured, this occasion will undoubtedly serve as a profound lesson for all those involved," Yohana vowed.


Zara gazed at her reflection in the mirror, a sense of wonder lighting up her eyes as she realized that the ointment Lady Runa had provided had worked its magic, completely healing the wound on her face.

"Zara, it's me." As night enshrouded the room, a soft knock rapped at Zara's door, barely above a whisper, a familiar voice belonging to Thea. Zara swiftly opened the door, welcoming Thea into her room, clutching a substantial box.

"Her Ladyship has found a way to keep you safe," Thea's eyes glinting with intensity. With a swift motion, she unveiled the contents of the box, revealing the blue gown that bore the traces of Zara's alterations. The weight of that moment seemed to overwhelm Zara.

Thea passed on Lady Runa's instructions. "You must approach Lady Odetta and let her know that you've located the dress. Tell her you'll give it to her so she can curry favor with the queen by pretending to have discovered it herself."

"Her Ladyship regrets that she can't assist with your financial situation currently. Money is scarce at the moment. Will you find it in your heart to forgive her? She's already done so much for you," Thea's voice softened, sincerity flowed beneath her words.

The kindness Lady Runa was extending to her, a mere servant, were overwhelming. Guilt for her past actions, orchestrated by the queen's bidding, clawed at her. Tears spilled from Zara's eyes, a mixture of emotions cascading down.

Thea's voice trembled with concern, fearing she had upset Zara, but Zara clung to Thea's arm, determination gleaming in her gaze.

"I can help her with the rumor," Zara declared.