Fabian’s Admirer

Yohana extended a warm invitation to Princess Elisa for a leisurely walk, a respite amid the bustling preparations for the forthcoming charity ball. These moments were like precious jewels of companionship that Yohana cherished, and it was evident that Princess Elisa also found solace in them.

"I'm sorry that you have to endure all this," Princess Elisa expressed her regret. "I can't fathom why my mother holds such strong negative feelings toward you."

Yohana's smile was both appreciative and understanding. "I understand that change can be unsettling, especially when it comes to matters of family and reputation."

The shadow of unease continued to loom, even as Runa's reputation underwent a gradual restoration. The underlying tension, given her connection to the Schauenstein lineage, was a persistent reminder of the challenges she faced.

Elisa's brows furrowed as she looked at Yohana. "But you're not just any change. You're a kind and honorable person. I can see how happy you make Henrie."

Their casual chat was abruptly interrupted when Princess Elisa suddenly came to a halt. Her eyes widened, and Yohana couldn't help but notice the fascination etched on the princess' face.

Curious, Yohana turned her gaze to follow Princess Elisa's line of sight. Her eyes landed on none other than Yohana's own brother, Fabian.

He stood there, a picture of effortless charm and elegance, seemingly unaware of the attention he drew.

Amused by the situation, Yohana marveled at the way Fabian effortlessly captured hearts wherever he went. His charisma was undeniable, and Yohana was secretly proud of the effect he had on yet another young lady.

Fabian crouched down beside Princess Elke near the central water fountain.

"Princess Elisa, it is only polite to greet a guest to the royal palace." Yohana's voice broke through the air, a gentle reminder of royal courtesy.

Princess Elisa, guided by Yohana's lead, approached the duo. Yohana took a step forward, offering greetings to the duo. "Greetings, Your Highness. Your Grace. I see that you are preoccupied with something."

Following the line of their intent gazes, Yohana's inquisitive eyes found their mark—a delicate, injured bird that had captured their attention. The fragility of the creature contrasted sharply with the majesty of the palace.

Fabian's response was swift and polished as he returned the greetings with a warm smile. His movements, however, were anything but polished. His hand patted his attire in a comically frantic search. "I'm terribly sorry, Princess. I can't seem to find my handkerchief."

Yohana's reaction was a mix of amusement and exasperation. "Again?" The exclamation burst from her lips before she quickly regained her composure. "Your Grace, it appears that you're quite the connoisseur of misplacing handkerchiefs. I'm beginning to wonder if they're simply your way of leaving breadcrumbs."

A gentle chuckle followed his waywardness, diffusing any hint of accusation in her words.

Princess Elke, seemingly unperturbed by the handkerchief's disappearance, offered her assistance. From within the folds of her elegant dress, her delicate hand emerged, clutching her own handkerchief.

A white square of fabric, contrasting with the regal hues around, became a makeshift sanctuary for the injured bird.

"It's alright," Princess Elke's soothing words lent a sense of calm to the moment. She gently wrapped the bird in the handkerchief.

In a sudden twist of events, Princess Elisa's thoughtful gesture caught everyone off guard. Her hand extended with a handkerchief, her eyes shut in a mix of shyness and earnestness. "Please, Your Grace, you can use this."

Silence fell over them, a collective pause as everyone tried to register the unexpected scene. Fabian, caught between surprise and bemusement, scratched the back of his head in mild confusion. It was clear that he hadn't anticipated this situation.

Then, a cascade of laughter broke the stillness, like tinkling chimes echoing through the air. It was Princess Elke, her amusement irrepressible. She reached out and took the offered handkerchief, slipping it into her own pocket.

"I will use this well," she said, feigning innocence, a well-executed charade that added another layer of amusement to the scene.

However, the joke hadn't been lost on Princess Elisa. A mix of embarrassment and frustration painted her cheeks crimson. She turned on her heels and with an air of hastily feigned dignity, she swiftly retreated from the scene.

Cradling the injured bird gently in her hand, Princess Elke clearly spoke her mind.

"You should not bend to the queen's wishes. This task was never yours to begin with." Her words were a direct challenge to the manipulative strings the queen had tried to pull.

Yohana met Princess Elke's eyes, finding a flicker of understanding there. Yet, she felt compelled to explain herself further, to unveil the layers of her motivation. "I couldn't afford to fail her request. The consequences could tarnish the royal family's reputation."

Fabian's agreement resonated with a gravity that matched the weight of the situation. "The reports of escalating riots in Valoisia are troubling. It seems the spark of revolution could ignite far-reaching consequences."

"In Reichwein Kingdom, nobles are already anxious about the unrest's ripple effects. If commoners here feel their grievances aren't being addressed, they might be tempted to follow the footsteps of those from afar," he shared, his tone tinged with concern.

Yohana's determination sharpened in response, her resolve solidifying. "This makes the success of the charity ball even more imperative. Any blemish on the monarch's reputation could fan the flames of discontent and potentially trigger such dire events."

Princess Elke's gaze held a mix of respect and understanding for Yohana's commitment. "If that's your chosen path, I won't question it. Please pardon me, the injured bird requires my attention."

With a nod, Princess Elke took her leave, retreating into the palace alongside her maid.


"You care a lot about the royal family," Fabian remarked as they took a leisurely walk around the park. Originally on his way home, he decided to extend his time in the palace to spend more time with Yohana.

"Henrie has shown me immense kindness, and I can't betray that. Besides, I believe I need to stay here. I suspect my murderer had some connection to the royal palace," Yohana explained, sharing her concerns with Fabian.

She mentioned having seen a strange man with a symbol that seemed oddly familiar – the same symbol she had seen on her murderer.

"Two circles overlapping to create a gray area in the middle," Fabian repeated, taking a mental note to further investigate this connection. "Also, can I be of help to the charity ball?"

"I'd be deeply grateful if you considered becoming a patron. The funds we raise will go a long way in supporting Henrie's initiative to foster tolerance among believers of various religions," Yohana appealed earnestly.

"It's truly commendable to witness his dedicated endeavors," Fabian acknowledged warmly. "I've been hearing about his efforts, and I'm genuinely impressed by the commitment of this young philanthropist. Count me in, and I'll make sure to spread the word about this movement among my connections."

As they continued their walk, Fabian's gaze shifted around, and he briefly walked backward to check their surroundings before resuming his position. "By the way, I've got an update on Zamek."

Upon hearing the familiar name, Yohana's memory was jogged back to her encounter with Count Yannik during the royal ball, where he had discreetly mentioned his discovery of documents bearing the Zamek family emblem.

"My own investigation has unveiled some rather unsettling patterns," Fabian began to share, drawing Yohana's full attention.

"There's an eerie string of deaths surrounding him. What's particularly intriguing is that all of them occurred within the Reichwein Kingdom instead of West Matzovia. I've compiled a list of the victims' names, which I have at my residence."

Eager to delve into this revelation, Yohana inquired, "Could I take a look at that list? If you could have your most trusted servant pass it on to Thea, my personal maid, by midnight tonight, I would greatly appreciate it. Ask your attendant to wait outside Mrs. Lo's shop."

Fabian nodded in understanding before making his way back to his manor, leaving Yohana with her thoughts.