Better Proposal

Remaining true to her word, Yohana orchestrated a leisurely stroll in the park, extending an invitation to Princess Elke. The princess, in her pursuit of private conversation, confided that she sought respite from the ever-watchful eyes of her maids and ladies-in-waiting.

With a wink, Princess Elke playfully shared her desire for a taste of freedom, unburdened by the weight of etiquette and expectations.

As her attendants were discreetly kept at a distance with Thea in tow, Princess Elke indulged in a liberating stretch, her sigh echoing her newfound space.

"Finally, a breath of fresh air! One can only take so much of these stifling rules and constraints. Honestly, Runa, doesn't it make you feel like you're suffocating? Why must we conform?"

Yohana's gentle laughter filled the air, appreciating the princess's candid and eccentric nature.

"Your husband would surely find you amusing, and your marriage days will be filled with excitement," Yohana commented.

The conversation took a calculated turn toward the topic of marriage, a strategic maneuver on Yohana's part to glean Princess Elke's underlying perspective on this institution.

As anticipated, Princess Elke's reaction was immediate, a visible wince portraying her discomfort, almost as if Yohana's words had physically pricked her.

"Ugh, did you seriously say that? Marriage, really? Why would I shackle myself to a husband when I can command the mightiest business empire in the entire kingdom?"

With a self-assured smirk, Princess Elke's gaze turned distant, her dreams vividly taking form before her eyes. "Just imagine, 'Lady Elke, the indomitable force behind the continent's largest shipping conglomerate.' I can see it now—tackling the most formidable negotiations with grace and ease."

Yohana's smile mirrored the genuine appreciation she felt for the princess's unconventional aspirations. In a society where women often centered their lives around marriage and alliances, Princess Elke dared to chart her course. The conversation flowed effortlessly, transcending the conventional norms.

"Queen Emma seems quite intent on your marriage to Duke Fabian," Yohana ventured, steering the dialogue toward the heart of the matter.

A sardonic grin danced across Princess Elke's features. "Ah, the matriarchal influence, my dear mother's likes and dislikes reigning supreme. I share that trait with her, you know—liking what I like. But the problem lies in our utterly disparate 'likes' on this particular matter."

With the grace of a spirit unbound, the princess swirled and pirouetted through their walk. Her steps became rhythmic hops, at times drawing near to Yohana before playfully evading her grasp.

In witnessing this spirited display, an unbidden sympathy welled up within Yohana—a vivacious soul trapped within the confines of circumstance.

"Curiously enough, I've had the pleasure of acquainting myself with Duke Fabian," Yohana disclosed to the princess, her tone gentle yet carrying the weight of insider knowledge. "From what I gather, he seems content with his current bachelor status."

Princess Elke's jubilant reaction was akin to a jubilant exclamation to the heavens. "Truly? Then let the Saints be praised!" The elation in her voice was infectious, although she quickly regained her composure.

"Oh, please don't misunderstand me. Duke Fabian is undoubtedly a charming man, the kind that entrances women all across the kingdom. However, even if he were the most sought-after suitor in all of Reichwein, I have no intentions of permitting myself to be ensnared—even by him."

Yohana's response was a serene smile, a harbinger of forthcoming revelations. "Yet, he shared with me a pressing concern. One of his mining ventures has unearthed a substantial saltpeter deposit—a crucial ingredient for the production of gunpowder. In his bid to obtain a license for its manufacture, King Alois offered a condition."

As if suspended in time, Princess Elke halted in her tracks. "And what might that condition be?"

With measured gravity, Yohana elucidated the situation. "A marriage—his union with you, to be precise."

The revelation acted like a sudden gust of wind, leaving the princess momentarily bereft of words. Her mouth opened and closed in stunned disbelief.

"That decrepit old man! Is this some sort of jest?" she exclaimed, her disbelief tinged with a hint of outrage.

Without a moment's hesitation, Princess Elke's resolve solidified into action. A determined sprint toward the palace ensued, only to be arrested by an impulsive backward marching.

"Forgive me, Runa, for curtailing our promenade so abruptly. Urgent matters beckon. But rest assured, we shall reconvene for our leisurely chat another time."

And with that, the spirited princess retreated into the palace, leaving the park to echo with her fading footsteps and Yohana's quiet chuckle of understanding.

Under the shroud of nightfall, Princess Elke ventured into Yohana's chamber. "I come bearing a proposal, one I believe might better suit Duke Fabian," Princess Elke stated with determination.


Yohana arranged a meeting with Princess Elke and Fabian to discuss Princess Elke's proposal. Princess Elke prepared the Large Salon at the Sofie Pavilion for their meeting. The atmosphere in the room was one of poised anticipation, with teas and delectable treats ready to welcome Fabian's arrival.

The extent of Princess Elke's preparations gave Yohana insight into the fervor behind her proposal. It was clear that Princess Elke was earnestly determined to secure Fabian's agreement.

In the courtyard, Yohana awaited Fabian's arrival, her pulse quickening with each passing second.

As the carriage rolled to a halt and Fabian alighted, he deftly removed his gloves, extending his arm to Yohana in a gesture of chivalry. Accepting his arm with a gracious smile, they embarked on their leisurely stroll toward the heart of the palace with the Sofie Pavilion as their destination.

Amid the tranquility of their journey, Fabian shared a revelation that left Yohana stunned. "I have come to learn that Zamek is a stronghold of Solism. There is a High Priestess who maintains a regular presence at Zamek, and intriguingly, both Queen Emma and Zamek's residents are avid attendees of Solist festivals each month."

Yohana's gasp was both audible and visceral. The implications were staggering. The queen herself, practicing Solism in secret?

The intricacies of such a concealed belief and its potential effect on the kingdom's perception of its monarch began to unfold in Yohana's thoughts. Was Henrie's persistent advocacy for religious tolerance an attempt to reconcile his mother's faith with the kingdom's delicate equilibrium?

As the pieces of this intricate puzzle fell into place, Yohana realized that the landscape of their challenges was far more complex than she had initially perceived.

As Fabian divulged the forthcoming schedule of the High Priestess's visit to the royal palace, Yohana diligently noted the information to memory, ensuring she wouldn't overlook this crucial event.

However, their conversation was unexpectedly disrupted by an arrival that hardly brought pleasure. "Oh, my, what a pleasure to see you here. Greetings, Duke Fabian. You're as dazzling as people's whispers."