Traumatic Encounter

The distinctive, slightly hoarse yet high-pitched voice of Princess Eleanor pierced the air, momentarily pulling them from their shared focus. A quick turn of their heads revealed Princess Eleanor standing before them, her features graced with an attractive facade that struggled to veil her questionable character.

In response, Fabian extended a nod of acknowledgment, while Yohana exhibited her respect through a polite bow. Their intentions were clear: engage briefly and move on.

Yet, Princess Eleanor had alternative plans. With calculated precision, she interposed herself in their path, closing the gap to Fabian. Her accompanying entourage of maids and ladies-in-waiting demurely lowered their heads, as if bearing witness to a covert spectacle.

Persisting in her pursuit, Princess Eleanor continued her advance, ignoring Fabian's subtle attempt to retreat and maintain a semblance of distance. Her audacity reached its peak as she pressed him against a wall, seemingly indifferent to his discomfort.

With unnerving familiarity, her fingers traversed Fabian's features – tracing his jawline, descending to his chest and stomach, an invasion of personal space that triggered alarms.

Sensing the need for immediate intervention, Yohana firmly wedged herself between the two, her voice resonating with both respect and urgency. "Please forgive our sudden departure, Your Highness. We find ourselves urgently required elsewhere."

It was a tactful excuse, executed to diffuse the situation while preserving their dignity.

With a brisk pace, Yohana led Fabian away from the encounter with Princess Eleanor, a disquieting feeling settling over her. But she soon realized that she wasn't the sole bearer of this sense of unease.

A quick sideward glance revealed Fabian's usually composed countenance now pallid, as if he had just navigated a profoundly unsettling experience. His silence was heavy, an unspoken testament to the disturbing impact of their brief encounter.

"Fabs, are you alright?" Yohana was concerned as she guided him into a secluded corner. She focused on assessing his condition, her usually steady hands betraying a hint of trembling.

His once-confident gaze now widened in distress, his chest heaving with a rapid and irregular rhythm.

This state of vulnerability was alien to the Fabian she knew, a man often characterized by his unshakable composure. The sight of him in such a state affirmed the gravity of the recent incident, a mere blip in time yet undeniably traumatic.

Gently, Yohana placed a hand on his arm, her touch a grounding force amidst the turmoil. "Take a deep breath, Fabs. In and out." Her voice was soothing, a balm for the raw edges of his distress.

As he followed her guidance, his breathing slowly steadied, although the tension remained etched across his features.

As his composure gradually returned, Fabian's words emerged through clenched teeth, laden with incredulity, "That woman is crazy!"

The lingering effect of the unsettling encounter still resonated in his voice, underscoring the depth of his unease.

Yohana's mind mirrored his sentiment, recalling the sense of madness that seemed to emanate from Princess Eleanor.

She couldn't help but find herself in agreement with Fabian's candid assessment, realizing that the woman's erratic behavior might indeed be more than just an eccentricity. It was as though her reputation for instability within her own family, particularly with the queen, had more than a kernel of truth to it.

Returning to their initial purpose, they eventually arrived at the Sofie Pavilion. After exchanging the customary greetings, Princess Elke's discerning eyes didn't miss the subtle shift in Fabian's complexion.

Her concern found voice in her inquiry, probing gently if he was feeling unwell. Fabian managed a reassuring smile, waving off her concern while attributing his slightly off-kilter demeanor to a different incident earlier that day.

The specifics of the encounter with Princess Eleanor and her disconcerting behavior remained locked behind his lips.

"I'm eager to hear your proposal, Princess," Fabian interjected smoothly, deftly steering Princess Elke's attention away from his own condition.

The princess responded with an eager smile, as though she had been waiting for this precise moment. With a deliberate air of anticipation, she began, "I propose a strategic maneuver. You should travel to Greifswaldia for your gunpowder discussions."

The furrow of Fabian's brow deepened in response. "But that would be against the law," he retorted, a mixture of surprise and disbelief evident in his voice. It was astonishing that the royal suggestion would involve defying the kingdom's regulations.

Princess Elke maintained her poised demeanor, her response calculated and considered. "Indeed, open negotiation regarding gunpowder would be unlawful. However, consider the current circumstances. The uprising in Valoisia has ignited concern on both our part and that of Greifswaldia."

Valoisia was closer to Reichwein than to Greifswaldia, inherently increasing the risk of the uprising spilling into Reichwein before reaching the more distant Greifswaldia. However, Reichwein's sheer size also acted as a sort of protective buffer against the swift spread of revolutionary ideals.

Conversely, while Greifswaldia boasted advanced technological capabilities that could bolster its military defenses, it was haunted by the uprising happening in Valoisia. The revolution had now already penetrated Essrath, Greifswaldia's neighboring kingdom.

The uprising would reach Greifswaldia if let be. The rebellion in Valoisia, which had threatened to destroy its monarchy, could infiltrate Greifswaldia soon enough.

Given this context, if Fabian could deftly harness the momentum of the rebellion's approach, he might be able to skillfully negotiate a mutually beneficial exchange.

The core of his proposal lay in securing Greifswaldia's commitment to providing military technology in exchange for gunpowder. With this intricate dance of negotiation, Fabian could then persuade King Alois to grant him the coveted license for gunpowder production.

Princess Elke leaned into her suggestion, her gaze fixed on Fabian. "What I propose is that you take the initiative to visit Greifswaldia under the guise of diplomatic alliance strengthening. While there, tactfully introduce the topic of interest."

She continued, "Ideally, you should solidify a binding agreement promptly, thus thwarting any possibility of my father diverting this endeavor to another manufacturing entity."

Yohana found herself genuinely surprised by the depth and ingenuity of Princess Elke's plan. It was one thing to recognize the princess' capability, but quite another to witness her strategic acumen so vividly displayed.

"Your Highness, I must admit, your proposal is truly impressive," Yohana remarked.

Princess Elke's response was modest yet confident. "Thank you. I've dedicated significant thought to this strategy."

Fabian, rising from his seat, extended his hand toward Princess Elke, their palms meeting in a handshake that felt almost reminiscent of a business pact.

It was, in essence, a collaboration to thwart their impending marriage arrangement. Their unity was motivated by shared objectives.

"Your plan sounds feasible, Princess. That should help us achieve the result that we both want," he said.

As the handshake was on the verge of concluding, Princess Elke's discerning gaze caught an absence – a missing cufflink on Fabian's attire.

With a seemingly casual yet astute observation, she voiced her discovery. "Duke, it appears you've lost one of your cufflinks."

His attention directed to his sleeves, Fabian confirmed the truth of Princess Elke's observation. A subtle acknowledgment of its significance escaped his lips, "Ah, that was from my mother."

The symbolic weight behind the missing cufflink became apparent to Princess Elke, and without delay, she set her servants and maids into motion to locate it.

Despite hours of thorough searching, the missing cufflink refused to make an appearance. The growing sense of frustration and the passage of time eventually led Fabian to accept the unfortunate loss.

"Princess, it seems the cufflink has slipped beyond our grasp for now. Perhaps it's waiting for discovery somewhere outside, or it's found a new home in my carriage," he admitted with a hint of resignation before taking his leave from the palace.

Even in Fabian's absence, Princess Elke couldn't shake off the lingering unease caused by the missing cufflink. She confided her lingering concern to Yohana, who offered a light-hearted perspective.

"Indeed, it's a valuable item, but it seems Duke Fabian has developed a knack for misplacing his belongings. Let's hope that he stumbles upon the missing cufflink eventually."