Secret Rendezvous

The queen's hand instinctively brushed her own cheek, as if only now realizing the toll that stress had taken on her. 

"Do I truly seem so worn, Mother Mercy? It's true that recent court matters have been weighing heavily on me. I've tried to compensate with more rest and herbal remedies to soothe my mind. But it seems these efforts may not be sufficient, given the state of my condition."

"I am glad to be in your presence today, Your Majesty. I will devote my prayers earnestly for your well-being. May the God of Sun heed our deepest entreaties," the High Priestess expressed sincerely.

Startled, Queen Emma lowered her head in a quick bow. "Mother Mercy, your compassion touches me deeply. I believe that your prayers will indeed reach the God of Sun, thus lifting the weight from my fragile shoulders."

"Such is the duty of a messenger of the God," the High Priestess replied humbly.

The queen's face lit up with a genuine appreciation. "This conversation brings back memories of the warmth I used to feel during our gatherings of Solists. Castellan Stanislaus was always there with us. Perhaps, once our authority is more established here in Reichwein, I shall host another such gathering."

"Your Majesty, I hope you'll pardon my frankness. As much as I understand your sentiment, the timing may not be right for a large assembly just yet. The situation remains volatile. The Shadow himself has indicated that he will revisit this matter when the circumstances are more secure," the High Priestess gently advised.

Two aspects of their conversation immediately captured Yohana's focus. 

Castellan Stanislaus must have been a reference to Stanislaus of the Zamek family. This was the same individual whose seal had been discovered on the suspicious document that Count Yannik had informed Yohana about. 

The other matter was The Shadow. As those words were uttered, Yohana couldn't help but shiver. 

Although her transition into Runa's body had not occurred too long ago, the memories of her original demise and the subsequent resurrection felt like distant echoes. Yet, this sudden mention of The Shadow brought forth her overarching purpose once more.

In the wake of their conversation, Queen Emma, her entourage of ladies-in-waiting, and the High Priestess entered a nearby chamber, remaining ensconced for a considerable period. 

Yohana positioned herself discreetly, vigilant not to overlook even the faintest hint that could draw her closer to unraveling her own murder and the motives that had orchestrated it.


After a span of hours, the chamber's doors finally parted, and the High Priestess emerged, accompanied by Lady Rafaela. The High Priestess seemed visibly fatigued, a fact attested by her weary countenance and the way Lady Rafaela guided her along the corridor.

In a hushed yet deliberate tone, the High Priestess addressed Lady Rafaela, "Lady Rafaela, I am inclined to bestow my blessings upon this entire palace. However, to execute this ritual with the necessary depth of concentration, I humbly request solitude during the process."

Yohana's intuition pricked at this peculiar request. It diverged from the teachings of Solism she had encountered in her readings. The conventional belief stipulated that the more individuals present during a prayer, the more potent the impact. 

Here, the High Priestess was insisting on isolation for her devotion. This paradox ignited Yohana's suspicions. The High Priestess harbored ulterior motives, veiled within her seeming devotion.

Lady Rafaela, unfamiliar with the nuances of Solist doctrine, perceived nothing dubious in the High Priestess's request. Absent of suspicion, she left the High Priestess to her solitude and retraced her steps to attend to the queen's needs.

Meanwhile, Yohana shadowed the High Priestess with vigilant eyes. It was apparent that the High Priestess was directing her steps toward the southern wing of the palace. 

Yet, her demeanor lacked the reverence one might associate with a sanctifying ritual. Instead, her movements bore an uncanny resemblance to those of a novice spy, surreptitiously infiltrating the palace under the veneer of holiness.

Familiar with the layout of the palace, the High Priestess moved with practiced ease, indicating that this was likely not her first covert visit. Her actions seemed almost routine, suggesting a pattern that had been established over time. 

Her path led her to a southern pavilion, a hunting lodge that belonged to the king himself.

Before entering the chamber, the High Priestess cautiously surveyed her surroundings, a silent assurance that she was unobserved. Swiftly, she slipped into the pavilion, where her clandestine meeting unfolded behind closed doors. 

The entire encounter remained brief, mere minutes passing before the High Priestess reemerged.

Yohana, discreetly positioned to observe the rendezvous, patiently awaited to identify the High Priestess's companion. As the figures emerged from the pavilion, her curiosity was answered – it was none other than King Georg himself, accompanied by a knight. 

The knight, Yohana recognized, was Siegfried's loyal retainer, a fixture since before the king's ascension.

The clandestine nature of this meeting, coupled with the High Priestess's deception toward Lady Rafaela, hinted at a hidden facet of palace dynamics. Queen Emma appeared to be kept in the dark regarding the relationship between her husband and the High Priestess, suggesting a deliberate veil of secrecy.

As Yohana mulled over the situation, a central question consumed her thoughts: What was the true purpose of the High Priestess's visit? 

Was her intention to meet with the queen, indicating a sincere interest in spreading Solism's teachings? Or did her priority lie with the king, suggesting a deeper political agenda? 

Deciphering the significance of this meeting held the key to understanding where the High Priestess' loyalties truly lay.

Yohana's mind didn't linger on the puzzling meeting for too long, as she swiftly followed the High Priestess. Her steps were silent, melding with the shadows as she trailed the entourage. 

The High Priestess had now rejoined Queen Emma and her retinue, seemingly guided back toward the northern gate – an obvious indication of a farewell gesture.

As they neared the awaiting carriage, another shocking revelation unfolded before Yohana's eyes. A man emerged from the carriage. 

This wasn't just any man – he bore a symbol etched into Yohana's memory with chilling clarity. Two circles, one black and one white, converged with a subtle gray area in between.

It was the very symbol that had marked the man who had taken Yohana's life in her former existence.


After that secret rendezvous with the High Priestess, a subtle change seemed to settle over Queen Emma. Yohana noticed that Queen Emma's countenance appeared brighter, her spirit renewed. 

It seemed as if the chessboard of court intrigues had shifted once again, leaving Yohana to navigate through the unfolding plot.

Soon enough, Lady Rafaela visited Yohana's chamber with an invitation. The invitation to a tea party hosted by Landgravine Natali was wrapped in a veneer of politeness, but Yohana's instincts signaled that there was more at play than mere social gathering.

"Thank you for the invitation, Lady Rafaela," Yohana responded, her voice cordial and composed.

There was an unspoken tension hanging in the air as Lady Rafaela lingered, unable to immediately depart after delivering the message. The silence that followed was pregnant with unspoken words, and Yohana sensed there was more to be said.

"Is there something else you need from me, Lady Rafaela?" Yohana inquired, inviting her to speak her mind.

Lady Rafaela hesitated, fingers fidgeting nervously. Finally, she found her voice. "No, My Lady. It's just... the attendees at the tea party will all be on the queen's side." 

Yohana offered a gracious smile, acknowledging the underlying message of caution embedded within Lady Rafaela's words. 

Their relationship had transformed. Lady Rafaela had shifted toward a neutral stance, positioned somewhere between the allegiances of the queen and Yohana herself.

This subtlety held a strategic importance. While it was entirely possible for Lady Rafaela to switch her loyalties should the circumstances force her, her current stance made her a valuable player in the intricate game of court politics.

"I understand, and I appreciate your candidness, Lady Rafaela," Yohana replied, her tone carrying a mixture of sincerity and respect. 

"You needn't worry about me. I've encountered the queen's circle of friends before, and I've come to grasp their individual characters. It's always easier to anticipate an attack or to defend ourselves when we are familiar with the players on the field."

Yohana had a sinking feeling about what the queen might resort to next—bringing up rumors about her and Fabian, tarnishing her reputation. 

Little did the queen know that Zara, the one tasked with disseminating those rumors to the other maids, intentionally sabotaged the mission. She promptly relayed this to Yohana, who expressed her gratitude for Zara's swift and thoughtful intervention.

With the rumor quashed, Yohana couldn't help but wonder: What other schemes might the queen have up her sleeve?