Tea Party Invitation

Among the familiar faces, mingling within the elegant crowd, were the unfamiliar ones – those who did not grace the queen's tea parties in the royal palace before. Amidst this blend of old and new faces, there was one figure that particularly captured Yohana's attention – Duchess Nora von Froehlich.

Unlike other vibrant and outspoken ladies, Duchess Nora seemed to melt into the background. Her unassuming appearance and soft-spoken nature relegated her to the fringes of the gathering. 

She often seemed to misjudge the timing of her speech, or her words would dissipate into the air, unheard by the more dominant voices. Yohana sensed an intriguing enigma about her and decided to approach her. 

With a disarming smile, Yohana ventured into conversation. "How are you finding the tea and refreshments, Your Grace?" Her words were casual yet carried a genuine curiosity.

Duchess Nora's reaction was one of surprise, as if she had suddenly been plucked from obscurity. She fidgeted slightly, her gaze wavering before meeting Yohana's. Her response came in a near-whisper, as if she wasn't accustomed to being addressed directly. 

"Actually, I couldn't say that I've truly been enjoying them. Nervousness has a way of dampening one's senses. This is, after all, my first time attending such an event."

Yohana's eyebrows arched. "Is that so? I would have never guessed, considering your composure. Is this your first time to be in the presence of Her Majesty?"

Duchess Nora's eyes widened, her fingers fumbling with the fabric of her dress. "Oh, no, just my first time at a tea party."

Yohana had expected the answer to lean toward recent marriage or perhaps a rural origin. She probed further. "Ah, then you must have been recently married to someone in the city?"

The duchess' response was a departure from the expected. "No, actually, I've been married for a few years now, and I am bearing our child."

As Yohana's attempt to forge a connection with Duchess Nora gained momentum, it wasn't long before whispers began to converge on the budding conversation.

Observing the interaction, Countess Laura couldn't resist interjecting with her malicious insinuations, "Well, well, it seems Lady Runa is making a new friend. Duchess, have you been living under a rock? Our dear Lady Runa is quite the scandal magnet. How many times has she been linked to controversies? I've lost track."

Baroness Monica chimed in with a chuckle, echoing the sentiment with a touch more venom, "Oh, indeed. Scandals and Lady Runa seem to go hand in hand. One wonders if there's anything left to discover about her." 

The venomous comments seemed to encircle Duchess Nora like a tightening noose. Her discomfort became palpable, her shifting posture betraying her unease amidst the verbal assault.

Amidst the thinly veiled hostility, a voice of reason and compassion surfaced. Beatrice, the same young lady who had shown both common sense and kindness during their first gathering, decided to step in. 

Her tone held a sense of fairness as she countered, "Let's not forget that these scandals were debunked. Lady Runa was, unfortunately, the target of someone's vendetta. It's unjust to hold baseless allegations against her."

However, Queen Emma, determined to isolate and undermine Yohana, seized the opportunity to fan the flames of doubt. 

With a calculated smile, she remarked, "Well, as the saying goes, there's no smoke without fire. Scandals often have a kernel of truth, don't they? They can't just appear out of thin air."

"But…" Beatrice's impulse to counter the queen's assertion was curtailed by her aunt, Lady Felizia, who intervened just in time to temper the brewing tension.

Yohana appreciated the intervention on her behalf, recognizing that Beatrice didn't need to be drawn any further into this battle. 

"You're right, Lady Beatrice. It seems Her Majesty's resentment still simmers from the betrayal of someone she held dear. Trust can be a fragile thing, and discovering such duplicity would indeed leave a bitter aftertaste."

As Yohana spoke, the shadow of Lady Odetta's revelation loomed large in her mind, a reminder of Princess Eleanor's role in the scandal. Her words conjured memories of Lady Odetta's words, which had cast an unrelenting spotlight on the princess. 

The sentiment was echoed by Baroness Yasmin, who, ever susceptible to influence, chimed in, "I can sympathize with Her Majesty's pain. The innocent often bear the brunt of others' actions."

But before Yasmin could continue down that path, Margravine Finya halted her with a subtle yet effective nudge. The gesture was a silent reminder that they treaded upon precarious ground, where even the seemingly trivial remarks could have far-reaching consequences.

The atmosphere had grown stifling for Duchess Nora, prompting her to gracefully rise and seek respite. 

"Excuse me, if you will. I believe some fresh air would do me good. Lady Runa, might you care to join me?" Her request was tinged with genuine longing for escape from the tense exchange.

"Absolutely, Your Grace," Yohana readily accepted, following Duchess Nora's lead and stepping away from the gathering. 

They strolled through the manicured gardens of Landgravine Natali's estate, the tranquility of the surroundings providing a much-needed contrast to the currents of intrigue in the drawing room.

Amidst the soothing ambiance, Yohana expressed her gratitude, acknowledging Duchess Nora's wisdom in extracting both of them from the escalating confrontation. The duchess responded with a gentle smile, revealing a hint of her character that was often obscured by her reserved demeanor. 

"My husband might not share the details of his work affairs with me, but I'm aware of his deep support for your parents. I can only imagine he'd be similarly impassioned were he in my shoes."

Suddenly, Yohana remembered the only person who was willing to help her when she was in deep trouble - Duke Killian von Froehlich. He mentioned his wife bearing a child, and that's why he couldn't risk asking for his wife's help.

Yohana found herself admiring the bond that existed between Duchess Nora and her husband. "You must cherish him dearly."

Duchess Nora nodded with earnest warmth. "Yes, I love him dearly. I'm grateful he chose me, a mere baron's daughter from a humble town. Despite my recurrent miscarriages, he's never faltered in his affection. Even as I feel burdened by my perceived inadequacies."

As their conversation flowed, Duchess Nora unveiled deeper layers of her heart. "In truth, it was I who chose to withdraw from social gatherings. My confidence in social settings is, regrettably, lacking. Having grown up in a rural environment, I often find myself adrift in the sea of conversations that the city ladies engage in. My attempts to join their discourse have been met with challenges." 

"I am truly sorry to hear about your miscarriages. Those must have been incredibly painful times for you," Yohana began empathetically, offering a few words of comfort. 

"And I must say, I'm genuinely proud of you for your resilience. Overcoming such challenges takes a tremendous amount of—" Her words were abruptly cut short as a newcomer entered the scene. 

"Good day, ladies. I am Vincent von Meindl," he introduced himself. He was Landgravine Natali's husband. His tall figure exuded a rugged air, a juxtaposition to his impeccably groomed appearance.

Duchess Nora exchanged greetings with him as he first extended his hand to kiss her hand and then moved to Yohana. Yohana's heart raced as Landgrave Vincent's rough palm met her own. The sensation sent an electrifying shiver down her spine, a visceral reaction to a familiar touch.

In a heartbeat, memories long suppressed rushed back with staggering force. It was his hand that had once snatched her away from the security of her family's home when she was just a child. The very man who had forcibly separated her from her loved ones, plunging her into a life of mystery and intrigue.

The shock of recognition was profound, leaving Yohana breathless and paralyzed in the moment. Here stood the man who had unknowingly shaped the trajectory of her life in ways she could never have imagined.