The Nordhal Castle

"That old geezer!!" Princess Elke erupted in anger upon hearing Fabian's account of their progress.

In response to Fabian's request for another meeting to discuss their plan further, Yohana promptly relayed the message to the princess. The very next day, Fabian made his way to the royal palace to apprise them of the challenges he had encountered.

True to expectations, Princess Elke's reaction was far from composed. Despite the apparent deadlock they found themselves in, her resolve remained unwavering. 

She insisted that Fabian continue with the plan, recognizing that it was their best chance to circumvent the king's imposed marriage arrangement.

"Just slip away quietly this time. I'll secure a travel permit for you, and we'll ensure you assume a different identity. I have reason to believe my father is targeting you specifically. He might even issue orders to have the borders on the lookout for your name and appearance," Princess Elke devised their escape plan.

Fabian, however, was not one to underestimate the dangers. He cautioned the princess, "Please, Princess, exercise extreme caution. The king's awareness of our previous plan suggests that someone close to you may be a spy, reporting your every move to him." 

"You're right," Princess Elke conceded after a moment of contemplation. "But we can't just give up like this."

Yohana nodded, sharing Princess Elke's determination. She believed it would be a terrible waste to abandon their efforts so soon. "May I offer my assistance? I'll explore all possible avenues, seek out people who might be able to aid us in this endeavor."

Princess Elke's concern deepened, her voice tinged with worry. "What if Father discovers your involvement? You could face severe consequences."

"For now, the king isn't aware of my role in this plan, so he won't be scrutinizing me. I'll be cautious. Your Grace should keep a low profile as well; the king's eyes are on you."

With a reluctant but determined nod, Princess Elke yielded to Yohana's proposal. She understood that receiving even the smallest help was far better than abandoning their plan altogether.

As she accompanied Fabian back to his carriage, Yohana mentally compiled a list of individuals who might assist her during this crisis. The names that came to her mind included Count Yannik and Madam Geneviere.

Considering the circumstances, Madam Geneviere would be the ideal candidate for handling any illegal or covert tasks. However, she was a commoner without significant backing, making her involvement a high-risk proposition.

On the other hand, Count Yannik, known for his unwavering dedication, could provide substantial assistance. However, his influence had become precarious following the incident involving the countess and his brother. Count Yannik might push himself to the brink if Yohana assigned him a central role in their plan.

Yohana realized that she needed someone with more substantial power, an individual who could protect themselves effectively in the event of discovery while aiding Fabian in their scheme.


As Yohana contemplated ways to aid her brother, a stroke of unexpected fortune seemed to shine upon her, perhaps a blessing from the Saints above or an act of divine intervention by their late mother.

Amid her thoughts, Thea handed Yohana a letter, her delicate fingers gently grasping the parchment. Yohana unsealed it, revealing an invitation to an evening tea from Duchess Nora.

Both Duchess Nora and Duke Killian had previously displayed their support for Yohana's cause. While Duke Killian's assistance had fallen short due to timing and his own predicaments, he remained the only one firmly committed to helping during the crisis.

Yohana promptly turned to her desk, her quill dancing across a fresh sheet of parchment as she penned a reply. She handed the response to Thea and instructed, "Ensure that the duchess receives this reply today; I would like to expedite our tea meeting."


Yohana gracefully descended from the carriage, her gown trailing behind her like a river of silk.

The Reinhard family had chosen to reside in a modest manor, eschewing the construction of a grand castle. The first duke had deemed it extravagant and preferred to allocate resources toward business expansion and aiding the people of the duchy.

In stark contrast, the Froehlich duchy boasted Nordhal Castle, a majestic edifice nestled on an island within Nordhal Lake. The castle grounds rivaled the expanse of the royal palace's front garden. To reach the castle, visitors could only traverse a bridge connecting the island to the mainland.

A courteous servant greeted Yohana upon her arrival, ushering her and Thea inside the castle with the words, "Welcome, Lady Runa. Her Grace is eagerly anticipating your arrival. Allow me to escort you to her."

The servant gracefully led Yohana through the castle, past the duke's throne room where he held an audience with the duchy's residents. 

Yohana briefly considered greeting him, but she didn't wish to disrupt his duties. Her primary purpose was to meet with the duchess, although she acknowledged that she might require the duke's assistance at a later time.

Entering the orangery of the castle, Yohana found herself in a circular garden meticulously maintained, with vibrant flowers at its heart. 

Thea, following closely, couldn't contain her admiration, exclaiming, "It's absolutely gorgeous!"

The servant from the Froehlich family appeared pleased by Thea's compliment as she replied, "Indeed, it is. Her Grace takes great pleasure in this orangery and has poured her heart into its upkeep."

"I can see that," Yohana said. She couldn't help but sense that the duchess was adored in this household, a beloved lady of the castle.

Yohana and Thea descended the winding staircases, eventually reaching the space under the second level of the quarter space landing. 

Here, an open pavilion awaited, where Duchess Nora had patiently been waiting for their arrival. With a polite bow, Yohana greeted the duchess, who reciprocated the gesture gracefully before inviting her to take a seat. 

A servant poured fragrant tea into both of their cups and then discreetly left the pavilion, giving them the space they needed for their private conversation. Thea, on the other hand, struck up a conversation with the servant, getting to know her a little better.

As they sipped their tea, the evening's conversation began with casual chit-chat, sharing updates on how they had been spending their days.