Froehlich Duchy’s Construction

Duchess Nora gently placed a hand on her growing stomach, her eyes sparkling with emotion. "It's truly remarkable to carry a life within you. Even though I can't yet feel the baby's movements, I sense its presence."

A tear welled up in the duchess' eye, and she quickly wiped it away, apologizing, "Forgive me, Lady Runa. I didn't mean to dampen the mood with tears."

Yohana reached out and gently held Duchess Nora's hand, saying warmly, "Your Grace, there's no need for apologies. Your tears of happiness only add to the warmth in my heart. While I may not fully understand the experience of motherhood, I can imagine that it's a truly joyous occasion for you."

Duchess Nora appreciated Yohana's understanding. However, she couldn't help but wonder about the purpose behind the hastened meeting, prompting her to inquire, 

"I am grateful that you accepted my invitation, Lady Runa, but I sense there's a particular reason for your urgency. Could you please enlighten me?"

With the opening she had been waiting for, Yohana took another sip of tea to steady her nerves before broaching the subject. 

"Indeed, Your Grace, I have expedited our meeting with a specific purpose in mind, and I hope you won't find it intrusive."

She paused momentarily, collecting her thoughts, and continued, "Correct me if I'm wrong, but is the Froehlich Duchy constructing infrastructure?"

Duchess Nora's brow furrowed slightly as she replied, "I don't involve myself much in my husband's affairs, but you are correct; he is currently preoccupied with improving the infrastructure in the duchy. Is there something related to his business that you require?"

"Not precisely. It's more of an earnest request for assistance, a token of gratitude in return for your kindness. You see, there's someone here who is forbidden from leaving this kingdom, but circumstances dictate that he must."

She carefully gauged Duchess Nora's reaction, waiting for her response. A while later, the duchess replied, "Would you mind if I include my husband in this conversation? Because this is related to his business, his opinion matters."

"Of course, Your Grace," Yohana readily agreed. She believed that discussing this matter with the duke present would be more beneficial, as he possessed the authority to provide assistance to Fabian.

Duchess Nora ordered the servant to invite the duke over. She hesitated a little before sending the servant go, perhaps because she was concerned about disrupting her husband's work.

As they waited for Duke Killian to join their conversation, Yohana and Duchess Nora engaged in casual conversation. 

Through their chat, Yohana gleaned that the duchess and her husband were deeply in love with each other. It became apparent that the rumors circulated during the previous tea party, which insinuated otherwise, were entirely baseless.

Despite her urge to help dispel the false rumors surrounding Duchess Nora, Yohana recognized that it was an issue the duchess needed to confront on her own in order to grow personally. 

She remembered how the duchess had appeared somewhat overwhelmed among the other ladies at the tea party, prompting Yohana to come to her defense. However, she realized that she couldn't always be there to shield the duchess from such situations.

Unwilling to impose further, Yohana offered words of encouragement, "Your Grace, you are such a beautiful person. Anyone can see that you live surrounded by love around you. I hope someday the love from people for you will give you the courage to advocate for yourself."

The duchess was taken aback and remained silent for a moment, seemingly deep in thought before responding.

While gently caressing her growing belly, Duchess Nora acknowledged Yohana's words, saying, "You are right, Lady Runa. I need to be stronger for my child." 

At that moment, Duke Killian arrived, and Yohana respectfully greeted him with a bow, to which he responded with a nod. 

"I've heard a lot of good things about you, and I must say, my wife has sung your praises. She still talks about how you came to her rescue at that tea party," the duke said.

He gently caressed Duchess Nora's back. "It was her first social event without me, and I must admit, I was quite anxious."

Duchess Nora nestled her head on his shoulder, her eyes filled with gratitude. "Indeed, my dear, without Lady Runa, I doubt I would have survived that ordeal. So, my love, would you please consider her request?"

Duke Killian turned his attention to Yohana, his expression thoughtful. "I assure you, if it's within my power, I would be more than willing to grant your request. I've regretted not being able to assist you when Count Yannik reached out to me. Unfortunately, circumstances prevented me."

His hand continued to provide warmth and reassurance to Duchess Nora's shoulder. 

Yohana nodded understandingly. "Your Grace, I completely understand. The nature of our request was indeed risky, and it's only natural that you wouldn't want to involve your pregnant wife in such a perilous endeavor."

"Your understanding is greatly appreciated. Please, Princess, share your request with me," Duke Killian responded politely.

As Yohana heard the duke address her as 'Princess,' it was a stark reminder of his unwavering loyalty to the previous monarch.

"One of my dearest friends, Duke Fabian von Reinhard, finds himself in a dispute with the current king," Yohana explained. 

"He urgently needs to cross the border into Greifswaldia for a private matter, but the king's obstruction has made it nearly impossible. Could you kindly assist with this journey?"

Before Duke Killian could reply, Yohana added another incentive. "Furthermore, I can facilitate a business negotiation on your behalf, connecting your infrastructure construction needs with Duke Fabian's extensive mining operations. He owns numerous mining sites, which could provide you with an abundant supply of materials for your ambitious project."

Duke Killian's response was filled with genuine warmth. "Princess, your generous offer is unnecessary, for I am already inclined to aid you. However, accepting your proposal would undoubtedly benefit my duchy immensely. Please allow me to graciously accept your kind offer."