She Knows

During a tense dinner gathering, Princess Eleanor unwittingly sparked a perilous query that nearly caused Yohana to choke on her own anxiety. 

"It's been quite some time since we've had the honor of Duke Fabian's presence. What could he possibly be occupied with, Father?"

The question hung in the air like a smoldering ember, poised to ignite a potentially devastating conflagration if not promptly extinguished. King Georg's response was measured, though he appeared to be just realizing the implications. 

"You raise a valid point. I shall certainly look into that," he replied.

"I am certain that he has been engrossed in matters concerning his duchy. Father, it's unreasonable to expect a duke of his stature to be at our beck and call. He has his own responsibilities to manage, not to mention his myriad business interests," Princess Elke deftly deflected.

However, her response seemed to irk Princess Eleanor, who turned to her sister with an arched eyebrow and a hint of skepticism. 

"Why the sudden advocacy, Elke? Weren't you opposed to the arranged marriage? Has your stance shifted now?"

Amidst that, Yohana couldn't help but observe the subtle change in Princess Elisa's countenance. While she typically maintained a quiet presence during dinners, her disappointment at the prospect of the man she loved eventually marrying her sister couldn't be concealed. 

It was a complex web of emotions that Yohana astutely surmised.

Princess Elke retained her composure as she responded, "I am merely expressing my honest thoughts. Regardless of my personal stance on the arranged marriage, it's an indisputable fact that he is a remarkable leader. Just look at how the Reinhard Duchy has prospered under his guidance."

Princess Eleanor, however, remained unconvinced and continued to question her sister's motives. Her inquiry took on a more suspicious tone. 

"Is that truly all there is to it? Are you absolutely certain you're not concealing something from our father? Or could it be that you've engaged in some clandestine dealings with the duke that Father shouldn't be privy to?"

It became apparent that the first princess had some inkling of Princess Elke's plan involving Fabian. Exposing it now would place Fabian in a precarious position upon his return.

Recognizing Yohana's growing concern, Henrie stepped in to defend Fabian. "Sister, I must concur with Elke. Fabian is an exceedingly responsible man. Given the immense responsibilities he bears, it's only natural for him to be occupied. It would be rather odd if he had an excess of leisure time to spend here."

"Oh, is that so?" Princess Eleanor retorted, a smug smirk finally betraying her true intentions.

A gasp escaped Yohana's lips, and the revelation struck her with sudden clarity. 

Princess Eleanor must have known the entire plan from the very beginning. She had artfully steered the conversation toward this specific topic, all while feigning ignorance of Princess Elke's scheme. Every word had been a calculated act, leading to this pivotal moment.

"I suppose he must indeed be exceedingly occupied," Princess Eleanor continued, her words dripping with sarcasm. 

"Engaging in journeys to foreign kingdoms, persistently seeking an audience with the emperor despite the explicit prohibition of his own king."

As Princess Eleanor's shocking revelation hung heavily in the air, a profound silence gripped those in attendance. The room was filled with tension, frozen in the wake of her audacious confession.

With unwavering determination, Princess Eleanor redirected her gaze toward the king and pressed on, her words deliberate and resolute. 

"Father, Elke has aided Duke Fabian in his illegal entry into Greifswaldia. Your threats concerning the saltpeter within his mining domain appear to have been ineffective. I implore you, Father, both Duke Fabian and Elke harbor no desire for this union. In that case, why not permit me to step forward?"

Yohana's fists clenched involuntarily, her mind racing as she recalled the previous encounters between Fabian and Princess Eleanor. 

She refused to allow her brother to fall into the clutches of the first princess. She strained her mental faculties, desperately searching for a means to extricate Fabian from this perilous situation, her breath quickening with the weight of impending decisions. 

Yet, no immediate solution presented itself, and she was on the verge of tears at the thought of her brother's fate if the king were to accede to Princess Eleanor's proposal.

In this fraught moment, Queen Emma's voice resonated through the room with unwavering conviction. "Eleanor, cease this nonsense."

Yohana turned her gaze toward the queen, experiencing an unprecedented swell of gratitude for her presence. 

If Queen Emma could deter Princess Eleanor's desire to wed Fabian, she was prepared to endure any torments the queen might levy upon her for all eternity.

"Mother, a thought has been weighing on me of late," Princess Eleanor began, her eyes fixed intently on her mother as she leaned backward in her chair. 

"Why have you consistently thwarted my attempts at marriage? While my pursuit of Duke Fabian may be more fervent than others, it often feels as if you are deliberately obstructing my path to matrimony."

Queen Emma's gaze remained firmly affixed to her plate, her hands trembling slightly as she pressed one upon the other. She inhaled deeply before responding, her eyes avoiding Princess Eleanor's penetrating stare. 

"You deserve a man who is more deserving of you."

However, Yohana couldn't help but sense that there was more to the queen's words than met the eye. Queen Emma's trembling hands hinted that the issue lay not with the suitability of potential suitors, but rather with Princess Eleanor herself.

A sinister snicker escaped Princess Eleanor's lips as she plucked her fork from the table. With measured steps, she abandoned her seat and drew near to the queen. 

The tension in the room heightened, and Yohana held her breath, mirroring Queen Emma's own apprehension. The trembling in the queen's hands grew more pronounced with each approaching stride.

In a chilling display of dominance, the first princess trailed the tines of the fork along the contours of Queen Emma's face. The queen, her lips tightly pressed together, struggled to contain her emotions, her eyes brimming with unshed tears.

"Mother, oh Mother," Princess Eleanor taunted, her voice dripping with malevolence. "Have you forgotten? When I desire something, I will have it. I MUST have it."