An Oak

With a final flourish, she drove the fork into the table. The loud sound of the fork colliding with the table sent Queen Emma to jump on her seat. 

As Princess Eleanor reclaimed her seat, a collective sigh of relief emanated from those who had borne witness to the tense exchange. 

Queen Emma, finally able to exhale, drew several deep breaths, her chest rising and falling with the effort. She raised trembling hands to her brow, sweeping away the invisible sweat that had gathered on her temples.

With an air of newfound calm, Queen Emma leaned back in her chair, the tumultuous tension relinquishing its hold on her. Her quivering fingers gradually steadied.

Princess Eleanor, her eyes fixed intently on her father, assumed an air of composed determination. 

"So, Father, where were we? Ah, yes, the matter of the arranged marriage. I would earnestly implore you to dissolve it entirely. I am more suited to this endeavor than my sister. Rest assured, Father, I possess the capability to bind him to the arranged marriage without the need for your petty threats."

Cornered and facing the relentless pressure from Princess Eleanor, King Georg's eyes darted frantically around the room, searching for any glimmer of support or reprieve.

"Well, Father?" Princess Eleanor pressed.

The king cleared his throat, his gaze falling to his own hands resting on the table before him. "Let me think about it," he uttered, his voice weighed down by uncertainty.


Elke, with an expression steeped in melancholy, invited her father to a walk. She was well aware that her somber appearance would be impossible for him to ignore. 

King Georg, always partial to his most outspoken daughter, gravitated toward her, his pudgy and calloused fingers lightly brushing her face.

He scrutinized her features, concern etched into his countenance. "Why do you wear such a mournful expression, my dear?"

Elke, seizing her father's hand, held it securely against her cheek. "Father, are you angry with me?" 

Her voice carried the precise timbre she knew could sway her father's heart, a tone that he, despite being aware of her persuasive tactics, remained vulnerable to.

With an almost plaintive tone, King Georg responded, "You have conspired behind my back."

"Forgive me, Father," Elke implored, her voice tender and earnest. "It was never my intention. I would never, in a million years, take actions that could imperil you. But, Father, you understand how much I cherish my freedom, don't you?"

He attempted to avert her gaze, but Elke was persistent, ensuring their eyes met. With a sigh of resignation, he spoke, his voice filled with paternal love, "Elke, my dearest, Fabian is the most eligible bachelor in the entire kingdom. Who else could be a more suitable match for you? I see no one else worthy of standing by your side."

Elke tenderly rubbed the back of King Georg's hand with her delicate fingers. "I understand your concerns, Father. But do I truly have to marry? I do not want my worth to be measured by the man at my side. Can't you acknowledge my value through my hard work?"

They strolled side by side in the garden, under the soft caress of the night breeze. King Georg encircled her with his arm and lowered his head to kiss her hand. "You may think that way now, my dear. But in the years to come, you may come to regret your decision."

He scanned their surroundings and extended his finger, gesturing toward the flowers that lined their path on both sides. "Just like those flowers, young ladies like you have a limited time. You are currently in the spring of your life. However, time marches forward, and before you know it, you'll enter the autumn of your years, and then the winter. By then, your petals may wither, and gentlemen may not even notice you anymore."

"Father, I am no fragile flower. I am an oak! Whether it's spring or winter, I will endure. Do you not realize the strength of an oak tree? Like an oak, I will be not only beautiful but also useful."

He managed a bitter smile. "I understand that, my dear. But it's often the opinions of others that shape our world."

"Why should we be concerned about what others think?" 

King Georg patted her hand and let out a long, weary sigh. "Let's put an end to this exhausting conversation, my love. You know I am growing old, and my health is failing. If you care for your aging father, there is just one thing I hope for. I hope you find someone who will love and protect you long after I'm gone."

"Father, don't speak that way. You will live a long and healthy life, and you will witness my success in all my endeavors," Elke insisted.

Their conversation was abruptly cut short by a series of coughing fits from King Georg. The coughing was so severe that it caused the king to lose his balance. 

Panicked, Elke cried out for assistance. A nearby knight rushed to aid the king and helped him to his chambers, with Elke following closely behind.

Elke remained at her father's side as the knight hurried to summon the royal doctor to assess the king's condition. 

When the doctor arrived, he administered medication. Elke held the king's hand until he drifted into slumber. 

Only after she was sure he was resting did Elke finally leave the chamber, looking fatigued.

Lady Runa awaited her near the door to the king's chamber. "Princess! Has the king taken a turn for the worse?"

Elke sighed and shook her head. "No, not yet. But his health is deteriorating rapidly. I was attempting to convince him to halt the arranged marriage when he suddenly began coughing up blood. Our discussion will have to wait. 

"I'll approach him again when he's in better health. I'm determined to ensure that Father doesn't punish Fabian, as it was my plan all along. Moreover, I won't let Father replace me with Eleanor as the bride."

As they broached the topic of Princess Eleanor, Lady Runa voiced her concern. "What do you plan to do about Princess Eleanor? Will you confront her? After all, she has exposed your plans."

Elke shook her head, a troubled expression on her face. "No, let's not confront her. That girl is unhinged, and I'd rather not get entangled with her. Lady Runa, I implore you to steer clear of her. It's for your own safety."