
The weary princess rubbed her temples, fatigue evident in her demeanor.

"Instead of dwelling on that crazy girl, would you mind accompanying me to my chamber? There's something I'd like to give you," Princess Elke suggested. Her voice was carrying a note of warmth.

As they made their brief journey to Elke's chamber, the princess couldn't help but grow fonder of Lady Runa with each step. 

Not only was she an attentive and empathetic listener, but she also refrained from imposing her own opinions, a stark contrast to most ladies who often criticized her aspirations.

From the very start, when Lady Runa had hidden her from Maxine and Lady Lotti, a seed of affection had taken root. Lady Runa not only believed in Elke's talents but also had the courage to stand up for her when necessary.

Throughout her life, Elke had endured a barrage of scoldings, labeled as rebellious and improper, all because she desired to live life at her own rhythm. She abhorred being dictated to, and she refused to conform to societal expectations.

Just because other young ladies yearned for a suitable marriage and a stable household didn't mean Elke had to share that same dream. She was determined to chart her own path, free from the constraints of convention.

In her chamber, Princess Elke graciously invited Lady Runa inside. She closed the door behind them and wasted no time broaching the pressing matter. 

"Duke Fabian is already on his way to Greifswaldia, isn't he? You'll be accompanying my brother on the journey, too, correct?"

Lady Runa nodded. "Indeed, we will depart tomorrow."

Princess Elke began to rummage through the vanity desk's drawer in search of something crucial. Her efforts proved fruitless, but it was Maxine, her devoted personal maid, who came to the rescue, producing the item.

"Your Highness, were you looking for this?" Maxine offered.

"Ah! You're a lifesaver, Max!" 

Elke hugged Maxine warmly before turning her attention to Lady Runa, holding out the paper with a grateful smile. 

"Here you go. I thought you might want to know where Duke Fabian will be staying in Greifswaldia."

Lady Runa's expression lit up with gratitude as she accepted the information. Elke was keenly aware of how much this meant to her.

Elke never probed into the relationship between Lady Runa and Duke Fabian, but it seemed special. Although, she had never saw their relationship as something romantic at all. 

"I'm thankful that your supporters could assist Duke Fabian on the Reichwein grounds," Elke added. 

"But I wanted to contribute to his journey once he stepped into Greifswaldia. I have some connections that can provide him with secure lodgings along the way. It wasn't difficult to persuade them once they learned of the generous compensation that I'm willing to offer."

Lady Runa's smile blossomed, conveying her heartfelt appreciation for the gesture. While Elke wasn't entirely certain of the nature of the relationship between Lady Runa and Duke Fabian, she had gleaned from their conversations that they were close friends. 

Lady Runa had made it explicitly clear that there were no romantic feelings between them, leading Elke to assume they shared a deep bond of friendship. 

Perhaps Duke Fabian had frequented the palace during the reign of King Alois, and that's how their friendship had flourished.

"Thank you," Lady Runa expressed her gratitude, this time allowing herself to embrace Elke. 

The gesture caught Elke by surprise, as Lady Runa usually exuded an air of composure. However, the spontaneity of the moment filled the room with joyful laughter.

Elke couldn't help but appreciate Lady Runa's capacity to express her emotions, especially when it came to Duke Fabian. She had noticed this openness before, like the time Lady Runa had shared the story of the encounter between the duke and Eleanor in the corridor.

In her heart, Elke held hope that Lady Runa would also extend this openness to her brother, Henrie. Despite not sharing a close bond with him, Elke had an intuitive sense that Henrie's feelings for Lady Runa were heartfelt and genuine.


The long-awaited departure for Greifswaldia had finally arrived. Thea meticulously packed Yohana's dresses and other necessities, as well as her own. 

The courtyard was now filled with neatly stacked suitcases, thanks to the assistance of the knights.

Henrie arrived at Yohana's chamber to escort her. Together, they made their way to the courtyard where they eagerly awaited the arrival of the carriage that would transport them to Greifswaldia. 

In total, six carriages were prepared for the journey—three for the passengers and three for their luggage, while the knights would accompany them on horseback.

With Henrie's assistance, Yohana gracefully entered the carriage before he followed suit. On the first day of their journey, Thea decided to accompany the other servants in their carriage. 

Before disappearing among them, she couldn't resist a cheeky comment, whispering loudly enough for Henrie to hear, "Your Highness, please woo my lady properly."

Yohana, taken aback by Thea's audacity, let out a cough. Henrie, trying to alleviate the awkwardness, gently supported Yohana's back as Thea retreated to the servant's carriage, leaving the two of them to grapple with the atmosphere she had created.

"Please forgive her rudeness," Yohana interjected, coming to the defense of her outspoken maid.

Rather than being angered by the comment, Henrie responded with a smirk. "Actually, Thea may have a point. This could be my chance. If you got to know me better, perhaps you'd consider giving me your heart."

Yohana's gaze drifted downward to her interlocking fingers, her emotions swirling within her. 

His piercing stare elicited a fluttering sensation in her stomach. The crown prince was undeniably handsome, but it was more than his looks that attracted her. 

She was deeply moved by his dedication to the people of Reichwein, a rare quality among those in positions of power. Most rulers succumbed to the temptations of authority and greed, leading their kingdoms to ruin. Yet, Henrie prioritized the well-being of his subjects.

Uncertain of how to respond to Henrie's advances, Yohana chose to remain silent, offering a warm smile in the hopes that he would shift the conversation to a different topic.