A Favor

In the wake of the former royal couple's execution, Landgrave Vincent made an unexpected visit to the palace. At that point, Queen Emma and the landgrave shared no prior connection; it was, in fact, his wife who had been a close friend of the queen.

"Landgrave Vincent? What a delightful surprise!"

Her countenance turned sour as a possibility crossed her mind. She feared that his visit was tied to distressing news about his spouse.

"Pray, assure me that no misfortune has befallen Landgravine Natali," Queen Emma inquired. 

With a reassuring nod, he swiftly clarified, "No, Your Majesty. There is no such calamity."

Relieved, Queen Emma's tense shoulders sagged, and she breathed a sigh of relief. "That's a relief. I had a moment of unease there. Now that we've dispelled any looming apprehensions, please, Landgrave, take a seat. Tell me the purpose of your visit."