
Yohana's days slipped by, a blur of uncertainty. In an attempt to anchor herself to reality, she counted the meals she refused to eat, but her determination to fast left her unsure about the passage of time. 

She estimated it to be around fifteen days, yet the days could have stretched on endlessly or shrunk into insignificance. Time had lost its grip on her.

Her eyelids grew heavy, and she often found her head nodding, battling exhaustion and the relentless pull of sleep. 

In this moment of solitude, she yearned to hear Thea's infectious laughter. She'd give anything to be playfully teased by her loyal maid once more.

If she could return to her normal life, Yohana promised herself that she would treat Thea with the utmost kindness. 

And Henrie – she'd reveal the truth about her identity to him and confess her deepest feelings. Henrie should no longer bear jealousy towards Fabian, for Fabian was her brother.