He Is Here

The symbol struck Yohana with an overwhelming dread, reminiscent of the person who had slain her, bearing the same emblem. Traumatic memories flooded her thoughts, rendering her incapable of rational thinking.

Her screams pierced the air as she struggled to distance herself from this stranger amidst the lifeless bodies. Fumbling backward, she continued to shriek, fearing for her life.

"Princess, Princess, it's me. Don't you remember me?" The man quickly donned his hat, his eyes darting anxiously to scan their surroundings, hoping Yohana's cries hadn't alerted anyone nearby.

"Get away from me! Don't kill me!" Yohana's voice wavered as the frigid air stung her throat.

"No, Princess. It's me, Gilles," he urged, maintaining his position, crouched before her. He watched helplessly as Yohana's frantic screams and tears consumed her.

"Leave me alone! Don't kill me!"