Mother’s Tears

"Your Highness, His Majesty wishes to see you in his study," Mr. Hermann relayed the message, his tone respectful and cautious.

Henrie maintained a poignant silence, his grip on Runa's hands unwavering. Gently, he pressed a tender kiss to the back of her hand, his heart heavy with unspoken promises.

Just wake up. I'll do anything for you. I'll move mountains. I'll even give up my title and succession if you wish so. 

Overcome with emotion, he pressed his forehead to the back of Runa's hand, taking in a deep, steadying breath.

Henrie's demeanor underwent a swift transformation as he reluctantly let go of Runa's hand. 

His countenance shifted from one of tender concern to that of a resolute warrior preparing for battle. It was as though he had amassed a formidable army and arsenal to confront his adversary.