Alma Orphanage

The orphanage they visited today was a little far from the capital. Situated at the far end of the kingdom, coupled with the region's weaker economic power, this orphanage was the poorest of all.

The beautiful scenery they passed through became more dire as the carriage drove farther. The closer they got to the orphanage, the bleaker the atmosphere became. Yohana opened the curtain of the window to observe the surrounding area.

"I haven't seen any water source for some time now. Where do these children get their water supply then?" she commented.

Concern was also evident on Henrie's handsome face as he followed Yohana's gaze. "We need to discuss this with the orphanage manager," he said.

Yohana shared the worry because they had not passed by any markets or shops. This place was very remote, far away from locations that could provide them with basic necessities.