
Runa lingered within Ansgar's sight for a while. It was the only way to regain his trust and strike when he least expected it. 

Time passed, and suddenly, rumors spread that Yohana had disappeared from the royal palace. The rumor concerned Ansgar, fearing that the two women might meet and somehow switch. 

With Ansgar's focus diverted, Runa seized the chance to slip out of his sight. She concealed her hair and left most of her dresses to avoid raising suspicions by carrying a large suitcase.

Runa moved discreetly from one inn to another, assuming a new name and using her money judiciously to stay at crowded places, blending in seamlessly.

However, while running away from one person, she fell into the clutches of another—Fabian. He must have ordered his men to search for a lady with silver hair, pointing to both Runa and Yohana. 

She was initially elated with meeting Fabian again and that Fabian couldn't bear mistreating her in any way.