A Terrible Dream

If there was one thing that Runa was grateful for about Henrie, it was that he told Runa about Niels. If she didn't talk with him, she might not know that Niels was alive and around, and that Fabian would likely bring him here to meet with her.

Runa rushed back into the hall and approached Fabian, who was still there. She grabbed Fabian's sleeve and squeezed it. But she realized right away that countless eyes were staring at them.

Letting go of Fabian's sleeve, Runa bowed a little and said with a rather loud voice for everyone to hear, "Your Grace, the thing about your mining sites and the riots, I might be able to help you with them. Please, if you can follow me to the study, where the experts have been waiting for us."

Fabian raised an eyebrow in puzzlement. There was no heads-up about this matter before, but luckily, Fabian was smart. He understood the hint and went along with the fake scenario to obtain some private minutes.