Making Friends

"Yes, my dear, we shall do that. I will inform your father about this and have him talk with the newspapers who spread the false reports," said the duchess kindly. 

Duchess Rosalind kissed Celeste's head and hugged her. "What do you want to do now, my love? Do you still wish to stay, or do you prefer to go home?"

"I don't know, Mother. Which of that option will help His Highness?"

Celeste saw Henrie as a helpless puppy. She pitied him for falling for someone like Lady Runa, who couldn't appreciate the man who loved her. She left the palace without uttering a single word to Prince Henrie.

"Before you think about that, why don't you first find what will help you, and we will go from there?" replied the duchess.

The truth was, Celeste wanted to stay but she didn't want to be a disturbance because it hurt. She didn't want the prince to hate her. She wondered if Prince Henrie was aware of Lady Runa's improper behavior toward others.