
Prince Henrie's cold behavior continued toward Celeste. When Celeste paid close attention, the prince was just being absent-minded most of the time. He appeared cold and standoffish because he couldn't properly respond to people.

Celeste began to waver, and doubt crept in. She hesitated in her previous decision to help and be by Prince Henrie's side. She kept thinking about how Prince Henrie had made it clear where his heart lay.

The doubts caused her to stare blankly into space during dinner, which caught Queen Emma's attention. She put down the fork and addressed it. 

"Is something bothering you, Lady Celeste? You've been in a daze throughout dinner. Is the meal not to your liking?"

Celeste shook her head violently. "No, Your Majesty. It's delicious, and I am grateful for your hospitality."

"Are you feeling unwell?"

"No, Your Majesty. I just have some things on my mind. Please forgive me for ruining the atmosphere in this lovely dinner."