A Help or A Bother?

Celeste took a deep breath. Queen Emma felt like an extension of her mother since the queen was her mother's good friend. She also felt welcome and loved by the queen. Thus, it was easy for her to open up to Queen Emma. 

She figured that she should not openly express her feelings regarding Lady Runa–her first good impression of her and the recent worsening image of the lady–but Celeste felt she could share her thoughts on Prince Henrie.

"I'm afraid I'm not of help for His Highness at all, Your Majesty. If I only make it worse, I shall return home immediately," said Celeste.

"I would be sad if you choose to leave my son alone at this time–no, especially at this time when he needs someone the most. He needs someone who knows how to love and appreciate him. He needs someone to show him what real love is."