Losing A Friend

Celeste lowered her gaze. Her heart stopped for some seconds there, and when the heart started beating again, Celeste found herself suffocating. Her throat seemed to be clogged, and she had a hard time breathing. 

"I am aware that this news isn't a positive one for you. I also understand that processing this information might be difficult for you. However, everyone will catch on eventually. If I leave it be, the media will spread the word."

Lady Yohana took a deep breath, looking into Celeste's eyes with concern but Celeste was too busy trying to stay alive from the tension in her chest. She felt as if her world was crumbling. The sky fell in small pieces in her eyes, and Lady Yohana's face was blurry. 

"Once the press gets a hold of the information, they will say anything for their headlines because the more scandalous they sound, the more people will be drawn to buy their newspapers," added Lady Yohana.