Manipulating the Manipulator


Giles raised an eyebrow. "What information?"

This was where Henrie's answer played an important role. Straightforward questions didn't always do any good in interrogations. Sometimes, it would be better to let the captives speak freely. 

That way, it allowed the captives to reveal any kind of information. This was especially useful when the captives didn't know what kind of things the interrogator had on them. 

Hence, Henrie replied, "Everything."

So far, Henrie already knew that Giles joined two organizations at the same time and acted as a double spy that harmed The Black Rose Society. Having his feet on two grounds would give an opportunity for him to slip. 

Giles seemed to recognize what Henrie was doing. He wet his lips and thought hard. He didn't speak right away, signifying that he was careful about his words. If some information could still be concealed, he would try to conceal it.