Return to Reality

"Don't joke around, Yohana! It's not funny." 

"It's the truth. Face it, Ansgar! Would anyone in their right mind fall for someone who threatened to kill her family and loved ones? How could you think, even for a second, that I would love you, who destroyed my friends' lives?"

Yohana's lips trembled as tears fell to her cheeks. She wanted to emphasize how wrong Ansgar had been, so she took a deep breath to make sure that her words came out clearly. "I never love you. Not in the past, not now, not in the future."

As he was having a difficult time trying to understand, Ansgar tilted his head to the sides. He creased his eyebrows and blinked several times as if doing those things would help him process the situation. 

"No. There's no way. It can't be."

"You need to get out of your fantasy world and return to reality. You should suffer in real life just like I did—just like how you tormented me!"