Temporary Shelter

Yohana resided in the Rathenau Palace as herself. The Reinhard manor was greatly destroyed by the explosions and with the danger of follow-up explosions, Yohana had dismissed all the maids and servants to their homes until the situation calmed. 

The capital was still embroiled in anxiety as they managed the collateral damages. It was possible for Yohana to quickly hire people to restore the Reinhard manor. However, even if the manor could be quickly restored, Yohana feared for the lives of the employees. 

If this was a terrorist attack done by other kingdoms to ignite a war, then the rural areas and small regions would be a safer option for them instead of being in the capital.

Reinhard's family knights remained in the capital, scattered all over Grossfeld, with some of them following Yohana to the royal palace. They refused to be sent back home. They argued that their workplace was not the Reinhard manor, but wherever Yohana was.