The Cat Is Out of the Bag

"Tell me! Is what you said true? Who told you that?" Sir Karl raised his voice.

It was the first time Yohana saw Sir Karl in this manner. He was usually quiet and composed. She had never expected to see this side of him. His eyes were bloodshot, and his lip trembled. 

The servant quivered, unintentionally taking some steps back to put more distance between her and Sir Karl. "I–I heard it from the maid working for Her Majesty, My Lord. I d–don't know if it's true or not but–"

"You didn't know, and yet, here you are, spouting nonsense! What if people think it's true?" Sir Karl stomped forward. His chest was huffing, and he appeared like an angry beast ready to devour his prey.

"Sir Karl, please calm down. You're scaring her." Yohana stepped between them and pushed Sir Karl a little. "Why are you angry?"