
"Thank you, My Lady. We're very thankful to have you here, Sir Bernhard, a nobleman of lower status thanked Yohana. He was the only landowner who remained in Sisale. The other, more powerful nobles had evacuated to their properties in safer areas. 

Sisale was still relatively safe, but the nobles chose a more remote area for comfort and to put some distance from the areas of war. 

"Don't mention it, Sir Bernhard. If anyone should thank someone, that should be me thanking you. You were kind enough to let me stay here, and yet, I asked too much of you by insisting on inviting the injured here too," Yohana replied.

Sir Bernhard turned his manor into a shelter for people from another town. He didn't own a lot of properties. In this town, the manor was his only property, so he lived with the other refugees. When Yohana requested for him to open the door for all refugees despite their status and conditions, Sir Bernhard readily agreed.