The Rowinski House

From behind, the man looked far more fragile than Niels. He was nowhere near the fit, skillful soldier that Niels used to be. His hair was blond now, just like every other citizen of the continent. There seemed to be nothing special about him anymore.

But Runa's feelings for Niels went beyond appearance. 

When that fragile boy turned around, Runa's heart instantly ached. His eyes were swollen, and tears showered his cheeks. She bit her lower lip and rushed to him, taking his hands in hers. 

She kissed his knuckles. "I'm here now."

Niels, in Konrad's body, turned his head around to see the Marquis standing near the door. Only at that time did Runa realize how puzzling her act would seem in Marquis Jakub's eyes. She pulled her hands from Niels'. 

"I've had the chance to be personally acquainted with Lord Konrad. You might not remember me, but I visited this house to accompany a doctor once. That was when I developed a friendship with him," Runa said.