Getting Fresh Air

Runa was frustrated. Castellan Stanislaus and his wife were the hosts of the ball, thus, they were fully booked to engage with other, more important people. She couldn't even dream of getting close to them. 

The couple had two children, all of whom were sons. The first son had a foolish look on his face. He was stuck sitting on the throne. It appeared that he was not interested in joining the dance floor either. The servants brought him refreshments and wine so he wouldn't have to leave the chair. 

The second son had not shown his face. If he did, Runa was not there to see it. Perhaps the second son only appeared during the parade of their arrival. She cursed herself for coming in too late. 

If possible, Runa would like to use the oldest son, Hubert, to gain access to the Zamek family. Judging from the way he behaved, Hubert must be the easiest opponent to manipulate. If Runa couldn't use her face to get his attention, she could attempt to use other means.