Bet My Luck on It

When the adrenaline rush from stress and frustration dwindled down, Elisa found herself being timid again. She worried that her previous action would only cause trouble for Elke, Henrie, or Sir Karl. 

Being locked away in that unfamiliar mansion, Elisa slowly descended to her old self–cowardly and hesitant. Nivala was an archipelago empire, whose closest neighbors were the sea. At the time being, the Nivala Empire was one of the safest places for Reichwein refugees, but the empire didn't just accept any refugees. 

In fact, the only refugees they accepted were the royal family members of Reichwein. 

That decision was made to prevent Kievskaya or West Matzovia from targeting the small empire. Nivala Empire won the strategic location, but it was pretty weak in terms of its military powers. One small attack could bring huge casualties to them.