Getting a New Job

Runa utilized her acting skills to enter Kievskaya. To be honest, her beauty played the most crucial role. If she did not possess that beauty, she wouldn't even be let into the empire as she carried no identification, letter of reference, or anything that would explain her purpose of visit.

She simply said, "I am the former maid of a good friend of the Emperor Nikolai. I have a message for him, and this message shall arrive to his ears directly."

She captivated the guards, who were infatuated with her. Runa shed some crocodile tears to incite sympathy from the guards, which proved to be successful. While Runa had it easy, Niels was not allowed in. Runa had to beg for him to be let in. 

"I promise I'll pay you back. I have an important mission, and I must be on time before everything is too late," she said. She also mentioned to have several younger sisters, whose beauty surpassed her.