Protection and lust.

William! Are you okay, William please respond, I'm now okay, text me when you get this" e.t.c I responded to them and she saw my text but before i could send the last text I heard mom's bedroom door open and I knew that this was the end of me immediately after the doorknob turned I hid under the bed I was almost as fast as lightening or as fast as someone who doesn't want to get caught by the mom, you know how it is.

"Oh my gosh is that what really happened!?"

*Mom puzzled over the phone*

"What happened, who is she talking to " I wondered

"Diana that's what really happened? Aww is she okay now? I hope so, oh sure I'll tell him and you have a good night as well" Mom added

She then abruptly closed the bedroom door.

"William are you awake!?" Mom called out having no idea that I was hiding under her bed talking to cupids curse, or as she likes to call herself "Chrissy"