Releasing The Chains

Briar knew something was up when Persephone rushed over to Derrick, who had been watching her and Cleo. The latter of the pair positively exuberant with his teal eyes focused on them. When Persephone popped up coming from the direction, she and Derrick had come from and where Caleb still lingered she assumed. She hadn't seen the beautiful lady when she had gone to the bathroom or even when she spotted both Derrick and Caleb conversing as she escaped from the ladies room.

Persephone's clothes and hair were less than perfect in comparison to her usual appearance of refined beauty. Where or rather who had she been with?

"He's a classic debonair and gorgeous creature," Cleo gushed, watching Derrick and Persephone. "He's frustrating, challenging, and an obvious womanizer, but he's worth the challenge to tame, isn't he?"