The Truth

Tonight -- no, this entire day -- had been quite a rollercoaster of emotions. Derrick stood in front of the large mirror attached to the bureau. On any given night, he wouldn't be alone at this time of day. No, he would be entertaining someone by now. He had an insatiable appetite that he wasn't afraid to delve into without consequence.

Now all he saw were her amethyst eyes with bloody flecks of teal and gold. He couldn't escape from them. He shook his head, chuckling bitterly to himself. His soul ached for Briar. His eyes lapped her up, absorbing greedily every glimpse of her that he was blessed with. He knew himself quite well and he knew this was much different from all the others he had the pleasure of knowing, but he couldn't prove a bloody thing to her. They were strangers save for some pleasurable stolen moments. Moments that would've never happened if it hadn't been his brother.