
Finally the chaos from the Annual Summit could fall away. Yes, of course, his sister needed to be found, but he was quite certain the right people would discover her first. It was best he didn't know where she was in case the High House of Camberia tried anything drastic, which he could see happening.

His townhouse in Crown was the perfect and secured place for his mate. He was happy that Caramia could finally loosen up and let their bond strengthen naturally without interference from the ton. However, she did prove that she was capable of withstanding the sharks of the ton. She did it with finesse and heartless contempt. She was brilliant. The ton wasn't worthy to know her compassion and sweetness.

For the short time Persephone had been with her, his sister had effectively guided her with one of the strongest lessons. Caramia now had her 'mask' -- her shield. He would be forever in his sister's continuous debt.