Double Identities

Caleb heard rustling about him and hushed voices. He had yet to open his eyes, but he had the most frustrating headache that refused to ease for the past few hours. He had felt like he was under a heavy blanket of sleep that refused to allow him to fully awake.

He had to track down Persephone. He didn't have time for these games. Once he was out this mess, he would hunt down Derrick and murder him before the High House of Camberia could. Of course after he discovered Persephone's whereabouts and after finally marking one another as they always should have done then he would track down that foolish vampire.

"How much adranais root did you put in that vial?" a familiar voice chuckled.

He heard someone huff in annoyance. "I may have miscalculated the dosage." Whoever it may be was female and she also sounded oddly familiar. "I was under a lot of pressure and we nearly lost my master."