Chapter 40: What happened yesterday?

Slightly opened my eyes, blinded by the shine of the sun. Unfamiliar ceiling, window, especially bed. It's not mine nor Keisha's. Slowly turning my head from the side to look whose room it is. Seeing the familiar color of hair and smelling the familiar smell. By that, I can tell that this is Jeanneth's room. I've never gone inside her room so I'm not that familiar but sleeping with her side feels completely fine.

Before I knew it I fell asleep again. I once again woke up but not from the sunlight, the window that was open earlier and the sunlight was flowing straight to where we were lying now had a curtain. I woke up to the smell of delicious food. I got up and walked slowly, still feeling dizzy. I felt dizzy, I felt like vomiting. "Is it Hangover?"

A lot happened last night, I was so drunk that I thought I would forget everything but I didn't. When I remembered what happened yesterday about Keisha and Kiel I approached Jeanneth who was cooking downstairs. I want to know what happened after I went to sleep. I want to know what happened to my girlfriend...

I wanted to ask Jeanneth right away but she seemed to be enjoying herself while cooking so I hesitated to ask her. I'll just wait until we have time to talk.

"Good morning Jean." I greeted him with a smile. "Oh good timing, what I'm going to cook is almost ready, sit down and I'll take care of it." He answered me, smiling from ear to ear. I don't know what happened to make him act like that. "Well, let's eat for now. My head and stomach are hurting."

After I sat down, Jean placed the plate the spoon, and the fork. I wanted to help but when I stood up suddenly the place was spinning. I can't do anything my head is not listening to what I want to do. I left at the table, sitting while holding my painful head. I watched Jean act while smiling. She looks nice with an apron and has a beautiful smile. "Yep she looks very nice while smiling." Even though we don't know each other long enough like how long Kei and Kiel know each other, I feel like I watch her grow, I feel like I'm at her side while we are taking a step from life. I don't know why, I felt relieved just seeing her smiling.

I stare at her but my vision is still spinning, bend down while holding my head. I didn't hear him calling me. "Angel!! Angel!!" I heard from Jean's voice. "Oh, yes? What is it, Jean?" I replied as soon as I came back to my senses. "Let's eat, the food will get cold if you're just staring at it." She said while pointing her lips to my plate full of food. "Oh, yes thank you, but why is my plate full? I don't have that petite to eat this much." I asked her while looking for how much portion here on my plate. "You need to eat, I'm scared that you might pass out again." She said with a worried voice. "Ah, yeah that's right. Thank you, I'll eat."

I eat what she serves me, every bite I appreciate her cooking, but I can't stop thinking about Keisha. It would be nice to have her on my side. It would be perfect if she is the one I'm eating with. It would be nice with her huh? Before I started crying, I stopped immediately and just ate. My curiosity is killing me.

"C, mon, hurry up and eat, we're leaving," Jean said while humming. "What do you mean? But I want to ask you something." I told him because I wanted to know what happened that night. "Let's talk about it later, for now, finish your breakfast, and let's take a shower together, I want to show you something." I blinked as I tried to catch the phrase he said. "bath together" together? Take a bath? huh? What? Huuuuuuhhhh???

I shouted, removing my hand from my eyes. "W-what are you yelling about?" She said while covering her ears. "W-how did you ask me why, a-what -a-a-a-what do you mean by b-b-ath???" I asked her using the embarrassing words she said earlier. "Why? What's the problem? We're both women." She said with a smile. "There's a big wrong with it okay? First I have a girlfriend, second I know you like me, third, fucking hell no." I told her.

"Ehhhhh? You don't want it? Why did we just take a bath? Do you want something?? Hmm?" She said with an evil smile. "C,mon stop teasing me, I'm going to take a shower. You!! Stay where you are!!" I told her as my face got redder and redder, I accidentally stood up so fast that made me sit down, I still did not feel nice. "That's why I recommend that we take a shower together. You're still feeling bad, you might get a headache in the bathroom." She says

"I'm not a baby, Jeanneth. I can take a bath by myself." I told her while pouting. "Look at you, acting cool, just admitted you can't. You can't even walk straight or look at me straight. Wait for me, I'm going to take some clothes before going inside the bathroom." She said and started walking, you could hear her humming as she walked straight to her dresser.

She came back with clothes in her hand, she slowly helped me to stand up. I didn't remember drinking this hard yesterday that I couldn't even walk straight. We enter the bathroom, hesitantly taking my clothes, I'm shy, and having a shower with Jean is next level. I didn't even take a shower with my beloved girlfriend but now I'm taking a shower with someone. Is it cheating? Am I a cheater? How I would face Keisha now.

"Looking at your face, you're thinking some serious, don't you?" "We're not going do anything, I'll just help you okay?" She added

"Jean, What happened yesterday?" She suddenly went silent.

"Let's talk about it later okay? Just rest your head for now." She replied to me. All I said was "Okay" I went silent and let her help me to take a shower.

Looking at her figure, didn't realize how beautiful her body curve is. When at work she's always dressing herself as a man, same in the house but looking at her now, you wouldn't recognize her body by what you are naturally seeing every morning at work.

"You said you are shy but you can't keep your eyes out in my body. Aren't you little pervert?" She said while grinning. I didn't realize that I was staring for long now. I immediately took my eyes out on her body. "I'm just admiring your body as a girl." You have a nice figure, if other girls saw this, they might get jealous." I added

"I already have someone, I need to maintain my body." She said while making a humming sound. "What?? Who? Did you give up yourself to Kiel? Or Sebastian??" I said and she started laughing so hard that she started touching her stomach. "Hell of course no, you know who I'm talking about right?" She's standing in front of me. Admiring my body that makes me feel happy."

My face felt hot, my face getting redder and redder as I realized that she was talking about me.

"Can you just please do what you need to do I might pass out here for what you're doing." I said as I hid my tomato-colored face. "Yeah, of course," she said and started touching my body with soap.

Minutes passed, and finally, we'd done showering, she insisted on putting clothes on me but I refused to say I could do it by myself.

Putting on the clothes I borrowed from her is making me feel too girly, her clothes are right for someone who has a nice figure.

"Jeanneth your clothes are too sexy for me!" I shouted and she went to see me changing. "Nice, it brings out your figure. You're so beautiful," she said while smiling and looking at my whole body, head from the toe. "Could you please stop staring and give me some other clothes."

"Oh no, I'm afraid that clothes are what will you wear." She said to me, "Well it seems that you are already done, let's go shall we? do you want to put some makeup first?" She asked me and went straight to her makeup table set up at the side of her room. "Sit down here, I'll put some makeup on you." I sat down just to end this already, she seemed to be enjoying herself so I let her play with my face for a while.

"As you know Jean, it would be better if you told me already what happened yesterday," I said to her while she was doing my makeup. "How many times I should told you that let's talk about it later." "It is the main point why we are doing this." She added. She let out a serious tone so I didn't try to speak additional.

So with that, we remained silent until she was done applying makeup to my face. "Yup, very nice, you are such a beautiful." "Good thing you like girls but not me." She's looking at my face while touching my chin and keeps looking at my face.

"With that, you are ready to go, let's go." She said and took some sling bag. "Let's go" With those words we left the house and went outside. Going where Jean meant to say she wanted to go.