

After that, Oblivion softly said to Alexander, "It is time for me to leave, to become the nothingness that will hold the end." The words slid slowly from his lips, creating an aura of complexity and deep separation.

Alexander, who heard the statement, showed a sullen expression and eyes filled with sadness. His gaze fell on the friend he had just met, who was now parting ways with him. With a heavy heart, Alexander finally said his parting words, "Take care of yourself in the realm of nothingness, and please don't forget me." The words came out of his heart with deep sincerity, creating an unforgettable emotional moment.

Oblivion began to fade away as it merged with the void, as if becoming one with nothingness. Meanwhile, Alexander was alone in that place, feeling adrift in solitude. He searched for water to drink, and miraculously, water appeared in front of him. A suspicious Alexander decided to take the water carefully, using a plastic bottle available around the forest. He carried the water in a portable bottle that he always carried with him.

As he began to examine the water, Alexander discovered the presence of highly radioactive substances. Carefully, he dripped the water onto the leaves of a nearby plant and watched wide-eyed as it immediately self-destructed and spread to other plants.

Later, Alexander suddenly felt sleepy, despite not feeling sleepy at all before. As he drifted off to sleep, his dreams took him to another world. He saw an entity that looked like a man in his fifties, standing in the middle of a blazing fire. The man looked at Alexander with piercing eyes and said, "My name is Hobos, you called me, didn't you? Pathetic."

Suddenly, Alexander felt unable to move. He felt intimidated by Hobos' presence, becoming like a dimensionless, lifeless object. Hobos also changed, mutating into something terrifying, beyond the horror of a ghost. Its head even rotated 360 degrees at times, creating an inevitable discomfort in Alexander's gripping dreams.

After that, Hobos strangely jumped around and suddenly crawled on the roof. His appearance was that of a strange and mysterious creature, with movements that were difficult to explain by the laws of nature as we know them. Once he arrived on the roof, he seemed to move like a shadow dancing in the dim light of the faint moon. His body is lithe, changing, as if he is part of the night itself.

Suddenly, with unexpected speed, the Hobos began to move toward Alexander. The seconds felt like an enigmatic mind game, confusing and tickling Alexander's senses. As the Hobos approached, his head felt like it was spinning rapidly, and an indescribable wave of fear entered his mind.

As the Hobos got closer, the atmosphere grew tenser. Alexander felt the tension like a song echoing in his chest. It was as if the entire universe was participating in this moment. However, before the mysterious encounter could reach its climax, Alexander awoke from his deep sleep.

However, what Alexander experienced next was an even more bizarre and confusing experience. Although he had awakened, his body was experiencing sleep paralysis, a state known as "sleep paralysis." He could feel the awakening of his consciousness, but could not move, as if trapped in a world between sleep and reality.

His eyes opened, allowing him to see the room around him. Pale moonlight shone into his sleeping room, creating eerie shadows on the walls. The atmosphere of the room felt eerie, as if time had slowed down and there was an unseen presence around him.

During this period of sleep paralysis, Alexander felt as if he was being watched by unseen eyes. There was an odd feeling, a sensation of fear, and deep confusion. His mind whirled with unanswered questions. Was it just a dream, or was there something deeper, something more real, lurking behind the faint curtain of night?

Along with this confusion, Alexander felt himself completely isolated. Despite trying hard to move or make a sound, his body seemed reluctant to respond. It was a very frightening experience, like being trapped in a prison with no exit, separated from control of himself.

Inside the dark and mysterious realm, Alexander found himself trapped in increasingly strange and disturbing situations. The mysterious presence of the Hobos had triggered a series of events that common sense could not explain.

While in the sleep paralysis that led to his encounter with the Hobos, Alexander felt an atmosphere thick with indescribable tension. The surrounding space felt like it was responding to the existence of these unseen entities in a terrifying way. The pale moonlight illuminated his surroundings, creating shadows that appeared and disappeared in uncertainty.

In this state, he heard very strange whispers, like senseless voices. Those voices, once they crept into his mind, became a trigger for deep discomfort. The voices, though unclear in origin, seemed to have a hidden purpose that could not be understood. They tell him to commit acts that corrupt his morals, even encouraging him to commit acts that harm himself, such as suicide, adultery, or drunkenness.

This was a tremendous test for Alexander's mind and soul. He felt adrift in the midst of a stream of seductive and destructive voices. The uncertainty about the origin of the voices confused him even more, and he felt like he was in an all-consuming inner battle.

The most astonishing and frightening moment, however, was when he approached the final moment in his strange sleep paralysis experience. Just then, when everything seemed to be reaching the peak of obscurity and uncertainty, he heard a very loud trumpet sound.

The sound of the horn broke the silence, creating a wave of sound that expanded and electrified his entire being. The vibrations from the trumpet sound seeped into his soul and created an indescribable sensation. It wasn't just an ordinary sound; it was a sound that carried profound meaning and significance, a sound that electrified the universe itself.

As the trumpet sound echoed, Alexander felt like he was almost at the limit of his endurance. His head felt like it was going to explode from the immense pressure. But at the same time, he felt a kind of release. As the trumpet sound reached its nadir, something in him that had previously been locked up seemed to be released.

When Alexander finally woke up from his strange experience of sleep paralysis, the world around him was back in plain sight. He felt like he had traveled into a dark and mysterious dreamland, but now he was back in the hard, bright reality.

However, what he saw immediately upon awakening did not make him feel relieved or safe. Before him lay a terrifying and senseless scene. He saw two monsters that immediately caught his attention.

The two monsters, with a sound exactly like a very loud trumpet, became a highlight amidst the still silence of the morning. Their voices, which were similar to the echoing blast of a trumpet, created waves of vibrations that almost damaged Alexander's hearing. It felt as if the sound seeped into his bones, creating a deep discomfort.

But what was more frightening was the physical appearance of the two monsters. They had so many tentacles, it was as if they were extensions of their twisted, writhing bodies. The tentacles were like arms full of trembling veins, ready to fling themselves in any direction.

But what made Alexander feel truly shocked was the monsters' ability to emit powerful electromagnetic energy. This energy was like a shimmering wave that radiated out from their bodies, creating flashes of light that blinded the eyes.

More than that, this electromagnetic energy had tremendous destructive power. Anything hit by it seems to instantly shatter into pieces. The description of what these energies can do implies the great danger they can bring. They are not only a threat to human life, but also a potential disaster that can destroy major cities and change the landscape rapidly.

Alexander felt as if he had walked into a terrifying science fiction story. These monsters were creatures that were hard to believe in the context of reality. But once he saw their ferociously moving tentacles and felt the overwhelming power of electromagnetic energy, he knew that this was something very real.

More puzzling, however, was the question of why he was seeing this. Was him experience of sleep paralysis related to the arrival of these monsters? Or was it just an illusion created by his mind that was still affecting him afterwards?

Alexander pondered these possibilities carefully, trying to understand the meaning of this strange experience. He felt like he was in the middle of a huge and complicated mystery, an unsolved riddle.

But in his confusion, he felt that he couldn't just stand there. He felt that he had to seek answers to the questions that haunted him. Perhaps there was a clue or a sign that would lead him to a deeper understanding of what was really going on.

When he observed the monsters more closely, he saw that they seemed to be doing something very particular. They moved with strange coordination, as if they were on a mission or with a specific purpose.

Alexander felt that he had to uncover the secret behind the arrival of these monsters. He couldn't just stand by and let them act without action. Perhaps, by understanding their purpose, he could find answers to the mysteries that had affected his life.

But these questions lingered in Alexander's mind. What was the connection between his experience of sleep paralysis and the arrival of these monsters? What was really going on around him? And what should he do next to uncover the truth hidden behind all this?

Determined and with a heart full of questions, Alexander decides to follow the trail of these monsters and seek the answers to the riddles he is facing. He realizes that this unusual adventure has taken him on a journey that will change his life forever.

In the moments after he wakes up from a mysterious encounter with monsters that emit trumpet-like sounds and faces the menacing power of electromagnetic energy, Alexander feels that the world is getting more mysterious and unpredictable. He mused about what he had just witnessed and tried to find answers to the questions that surrounded him.

However, as often happens in dreams and strange inner experiences, he suddenly felt himself drifting off again. His mind, which had been filled with confusion and tension, seemed to crawl into his subconscious. He found himself trapped in a gripping nightmare.

In the dream, he saw Hobos, the mysterious entity that had appeared in his previous sleep experiences. Hobos seemed to be busy writing something. However, what he was writing was something very shocking and horrifying. The project he was working on had a code name, "Project 6557."

This project contained a very dark and hostile plan against humanity. Alexander saw with dread that this project detailed a plan to destroy humanity. The images in the project were so similar to the monsters he had just witnessed, that every detail seemed like an identical twin to the real experience he had just had.

But what makes this dream even creepier is how involved Hobos seems to be in the writing of this project. Not only did he design the plan of destruction, but he also seemed to create a complete narrative around it. Hobos seems to be creating a story about how this project will be realized, like a sinister scenario that will play out in the real world.

Alexander's view of this dream was like watching a horror movie unfold in his mind. He felt that he was in a terrifying story, where destruction and doom were being plotted and prepared by this mysterious entity.

However, questions soon arose in his mind. Was this dream a reflection of reality? Were the Hobos really plotting to destroy humanity, or was this just a delusion that surfaced in his subconscious? Why is Alexander involved in these experiences, and what must he do to stop this evil plan?

As he becomes trapped in this terrifying dream world, Alexander finds himself increasingly plunged into confusion and uncertainty. These dreams were not like ordinary dreams; they were visceral experiences and felt very real. The fear and anxiety he felt during the dream merged with the emotions he experienced in real life. And it was written that the Hobos transcended the humanitarian system itself as Oblivion had explained, which made the chaos even more widespread.

As he watched the Hobos detail this evil project in the dream, he felt as though he was witnessing something very important, something that could possibly have huge consequences for the world. But he also felt helpless, trapped in this dream with no ability to interact or change its course.

And then, the dream reached its peak. He saw how Project 6557 seemed to be reaching the implementation stage. The same monsters that he had just witnessed in his real experience appeared in this dream, as if coming out of the pages of the project that Hobos had written. They began destroying whatever was in front of them, and large cities seemed to fall apart in deadly flashes of electromagnetic energy.

Alexander felt as if he had been trapped in this dream of endless horror. He felt that the world he knew was crumbling before him, and he had no control or power to prevent it.

To be continued...