

As Alexander returned to wakefulness, he found himself immersed in a completely different scene than he had experienced before. The previously clear and calm sky had been replaced by a sky rumbling with extremely black clouds. The clouds moved so low and dark, as if they were carrying an uncontrollable weight. They enveloped the sky with an overwhelming pressure.

However, what was most striking was the mound of earth that suddenly appeared before his eyes. At first, it was just a small mound that seemed to be springing up from the ground, but then it kept growing, higher and higher, at a startling speed. Alexander felt as if he was witnessing the growth of a sky-high mountain, with the ground continuing to grow and rise.

And then, in a tense moment, there was an avalanche. The earth and mounds that had grown so tall suddenly collapsed violently, creating a huge wave of dust and rock that rolled around him. Alexander felt himself being dragged along by the avalanche's current, spinning around in uncontrollable confusion.

At that moment, he felt a very strange and surreal sensation. It felt as if he had been thrown into an alternate timeline, into a completely different universe from the one he knew. Everything seemed so confusing and unexpected.

In this universe, he felt a powerful presence, an entity watching him closely. An indescribable voice began to fill his room, explaining slowly in words that no human mind could explain. "This is Alighieri's universe," the voice said, "This is the nature of ultimate infinity."

These words created deep confusion in Alexander's mind. He felt himself in a place far from his understanding, where the laws of nature he was familiar with did not seem to apply. The voice continued to explain, "This is the nature of spacetime, an undefined spanning of the lowest dimension to the highest exists within the infinite continuum of interconnected cosmic atoms that make up super-white-light."

This explanation made Alexander's head spin. He tried to make sense of these indescribable words, tried to sink his teeth into the meaning they implied. But the more he tried, the more complicated and confusing everything seemed.

Inside Alighieri's universe, he felt like an explorer who had ventured too far into the realm of the incomprehensible. Everything felt so surreal and confusing, as if he had entered into a different dimension, into a world that was not limited by the familiar laws of nature.

All the while, a mysterious, unseen voice continued to explain in increasingly deep and complex words. Alexander tried to digest every word, every phrase, in an attempt to unravel the meaning behind the words. But the more he listened, the more he felt himself adrift in a sea of incomprehensible words.

And then, as in a sudden moment of realization, Alexander began to feel that there was a truth hidden behind all of this. There was something greater than human understanding that he was exploring. This was a universe far more vast and complex than he had ever imagined.

Yet, with all his confusion, he felt that he had to continue searching for answers. What did this voice mean when it referred to "Alighieri's universe"? And what exactly was happening in this universe, where dimensions and spacetime seemed to merge in unimaginable ways?

These questions continued to swirl in Alexander's mind as he tried to make sense of this incredible experience. Although he felt so small and limited within such a vast universe, his determination to seek answers never faded.

As he continues his journey through Alighieri's confusing universe, he feels that every step he takes brings him closer to a deeper understanding of the nature of reality and existence itself. Although there is much that he does not yet understand, he knows that this journey will bring about profound changes in him, and perhaps in the world as well.

As Alexander found himself immersed in Alighieri's mysterious and unfathomable universe, one of the most astonishing things was the voice he heard. It was so nonsensical, as if it had no apparent source. It was a sound that could not be described in words, like an audio wave from an invisible dimension.

What was even more astonishing was the similarity of the voice to the mysterious figure that had appeared in his sleep experiences, Hobos. Hobos, with its distinctive red aura, seemed to have a voice similar to this voice, or perhaps it was the other way around. The voice was a manifestation of the red aura that always surrounded Hobos, a feature that became an identifying mark of this character.

Alexander felt that he had entered a universe far more complicated and extraordinary than he had ever imagined. The presence of this voice, seemingly unrestrained by the familiar laws of physics, created a sense of wonder and fear in him. The sound became like a sign that he was in a completely different world, where reality and existence looked very different from what he was familiar with.

As he approached the source of the sound, he became more and more convinced that it was a manifestation of the red aura that he had been familiar with since his first encounter with the Hobos. This red aura, which had filled the Hobos with intense light, seemed to have taken the form of this unexpected sound.

However, what was even more astonishing was when the voice suddenly transformed into something even more fantastic. Within a few seconds, the sound was able to emit light like a star shining brightly in the night sky. This light created flashes that filled Alighieri's entire universe, creating a scene that was so beautiful and wondrous, but also so disturbing and confusing.

It's as if the light becomes part of the sound itself, creating a dazzling visual effect. Alexander felt himself immersed in the splendor of this light, as if he had entered a universe made entirely of light and color.

But what was even more astonishing was the light's ability to engulf the objects around it, as if creating a black hole that consumed everything in its path. Surrounding objects, be they rocks, plants or even dust, seem to simply disappear when hit by this light. They appear to be crushed and absorbed by the invisible force that exists within the light.

When he witnessed this phenomenon, Alexander felt uncontrollable fear and awe. This was something far beyond his human understanding. This light seemed to be a manifestation of the infinite power of the universe, a power that could create and destroy in the blink of an eye.

However, in all his confusion, he felt that this voice had a hidden message. What was this voice trying to convey? Why did the red aura contained within the Hobos turn into this phenomenon? And how was all this related to the experiences he had gone through earlier?

With all these questions running through his mind, Alexander felt that he had to find answers. He felt that Alighieri's universe was the key to understanding more about the nature of reality and existence. Although he felt so small and limited in the face of such immense and uncontrollable forces, he felt that he had to try to understand and uncover the meaning behind it all.

This journey through Alighieri's confusing universe becomes not only a search for answers, but also a search for a deeper understanding of himself. Along with every step he takes, he feels that he is getting closer to the truth hidden behind all these mysteries.

As he moves forward, towards the light that continues to shine brightly, he feels that he has entered a journey that will change him forever. It is a journey into an infinite and unfathomable world, where the secrets of the universe are revealed one after another, and he must be prepared to face them with strong determination and an open mind.

When Alexander realizes that he is trapped in a universe that seems to have been created by Hobos, he feels himself sinking deeper and deeper into the baffling mystery. He saw red and yellow signs that were very familiar to him, signs that he had seen in his nightmares. However, this time, they were here, in the universe he was currently experiencing. This was a clue that reinforced his belief that this was not just an illusion, but a real universe, or at least real in the context of the mystery he was facing.

In his quest for a deeper understanding of his situation, Alexander tried to move through this strange environment. But as he attempted to move, he felt like he was being propelled by a very strange flow. This was not a flow that could be conventionally defined, neither horizontal nor vertical. It was an experience so alien and confusing, it was as if the laws of physics had changed in this universe.

When he was in this flow, he saw an entity that appeared before him. This entity was even more sinister than Hobos, the figure he had seen earlier in his sleep experience. This entity had its entire body covered by a semi-black gray cloth, like a cover-up that created an aura of mystery and unfamiliarity. Most striking was that this entity seemed to have no face, instead there was only darkness and obscurity.

Alexander's gaze on this entity created a very intense and disorienting feeling. He felt as if he was dealing with an inexplicable presence, something that was beyond human comprehension. His body being covered by a semi-black gray cloth created a very eerie sensation, as a covering that concealed a truth that was perhaps too great to comprehend.

What is even more alarming is that this entity has ash marks splattered across several objects. These ash marks were like traces left by this presence in this strange universe. They raised deep questions in Alexander's mind. Were these entities the original inhabitants of this universe? What were they doing here, and how did they relate to Hobos and his previous experiences?

These cosmic entities were like characters in an inevitable horror story, as if they were part of the forces controlling the universe. Although he felt scared and threatened by their presence, he also felt that this was an opportunity to understand more about the nature of the universe he was exploring.

When he tried to approach these entities or even communicate with them, he felt that they were completely unresponsive. They were beings that seemed to exist beyond human comprehension, and conversation or communication with them seemed impossible.

Questions continued to swirl in Alexander's mind as he tried to digest everything he was experiencing. Was this universe created by the Hobos with a specific purpose? Were these cosmic entities the guardians or protectors of this universe? And what was really going on behind all the mysteries he was facing?

In all his confusion, Alexander felt his resolve growing stronger. He realized that he was an explorer in an infinite universe, and that this journey was part of a very deep search for existence and the meaning of life. Although he felt so small and limited in the face of such immense and unreachable forces, he would not give up in his quest to uncover the truth hidden behind all of this.

With all the uncertainties he faced, Alexander was ready to continue his journey through this strange universe. He knew that this journey would lead him to a deeper understanding of himself and of the greater nature of reality than he had ever imagined. And in his determined heart, he committed to exploring every dark and mysterious corner of Alighieri's universe, in an attempt to reach the truth that might be hidden behind it all.

After seeking understanding in such a strange and confusing universe, Alexander felt that he had to uncover more about the creature that appeared before him, an entity called Sattak. To that end, he decided to research further, finding out more about this being that seemed to have a very important role in Alighieri's universe.

First of all, he saw that Sattak was in a book that was in his pocket. It was a book that appeared to be very old and full of strange writing. Each page of this book looks like the work of a cosmologist trying to detail the secrets of this universe. The pictures in the book depicted Sattak-like entities, with striking ash markings on their bodies.

As he explored the book carefully, he discovered more information about Sattak. According to this book, Sattak is an ancient being that has a very decisive role in Alighieri's universe. The name itself contains a deep meaning; Sattak, or the Speechless One or the Unspeakable One, suggests that this being is a silent and mysterious entity, unlike Hobos who have very strong and conspicuous voices.

But even more astonishing is the role that Sattak plays. According to the book, Sattak is the bearer of the mark of ashes. This is a mark given to certain targets, and it is a sign that their destiny is sealed. Sattak not only gives this mark, but is also responsible for carrying out this destiny. The target given the ash mark by Sattak will die within a period of 1 day, and no one can escape this destiny.

This inescapable destiny is part of Sattak's terrible power. This created a deep sense of uncertainty in Alexander's mind. How could any being have control over one's destiny, and how did this relate to Alighieri's mysterious universe?

In addition, Sattak was also referred to as "The Great Root" and had a name that no human could identify, Nhurr. These names create an even deeper aura of mystery surrounding this being. What does the nickname "The Great Root" mean, and why does Sattak have a name that humans cannot pronounce?

All these questions kept swirling in Alexander's mind as he continued to study the book. He felt that Sattak was a key part of all the mysteries he was facing, and that he had to seek deeper answers about this creature.

However, as he tried to approach further understanding of Sattak, he felt more and more trapped in Alighieri's unfathomable universe. Strange inexplicable creatures and puzzling phenomena kept appearing before him. It was such an intense and mysterious experience, where reality seemed to change with every step he took.

Sattak was one of the key elements in this mystery, but he felt that there was still so much he needed to know. He had to uncover more about Sattak's role in this Alighieri universe, and how it related to the Hobos and other cosmic entities he encountered.

With all the uncertainties he faced, Alexander felt that he had to forge ahead in his quest to understand this being and the nature of the universe he was exploring. Although the inevitability of his fate seemed so daunting, he felt that he had to find a way to deal with it and perhaps even try to change it. This journey through Alighieri's universe is a great test of his determination and courage, and he is ready to face it with confidence.

To be continued...