18. Earth and saint john

5th day of apocalypse, earth

Earth had made so much progress in just four days because of their united efforts to build a fortress against destroyers, everyone was united in someway, everyone wanted to contribute which created a massive fortress called 'shield' in just 4 days it was as big as America and had all the arms you can ask for. Many evolvers were above level 10 and top were in level 15.

this was thanks to a single human who created a team by recruiting the strongest evolver allover the world, with his talent he brought everyone under one roof with the slogan of strength in unity and destroy the destroyers, he was now the strongest support class fighter who would not lose to anyone.

he was a pope in church of god of purification and had got blessing of god of purification just like jack but he got it before soul records arrived in earth and he knew that soul records will arrive and then destroyers will invade so he chose to help earthlings and got himself a revival skill with other skills.

but the revive skill was not a normal one

gods hand (s rank)

you can hold a dying soul to observe it's stats, absorb it's stats,heal yourself or revive the soul (conditional).

no. of revival :1/day

when soul records arrived he got lucky and got talent that could see the soul power of others.

eyes of omniscience (a)

your eyes can see the soul power of other beings and has increased vision distance,night vision and no stealth skill can hide from your eyes.

he used this to gather powerful evolvers to execute the plan he made before apocalypse.

his name was jhon but everyone called him saint john.

John had 12 commanders under him every commander had 50 lieutenants under them each lieutenant had 20 warriors under them and every warrior had 10 soldiers under him.

there was also rank up arena were if you defeat a higher rank you will get his rank but there were level and achievement needed to rank up there were also weekly tournaments and team rank to ensure compitition and comradery. all in all the system in fortress was good and well made.

Other than shield there were other strong forces which were led by other evolvers called the 'seven heavens'

1) sword saint Alex(lv.17)

faction: evolvers den(12,000 evolvers)

2) Necromancer of Nigeria,taiwo(lv.17)

faction: dead brigade (7,000 evolvers)

3) lightning Godess Veena blade (lv.18)

faction: Revengers (22,000 evolvers)

4) big shield, Smith (lv.15)

faction: big shield (13,000 evolvers)

5) China's warlock, zue tang (lv.16)

faction: china evolvers(65,000 evolvers)

6)fire god, veer rajput (lv.18)

faction: fire wall (27,000 evolvers)

7) invisible assassin,ian(lv.19)

faction: assassin association (19,000


Veena blade 3rd ranked in seven heavens is the adopted sister of jack and is finding jack since apocalypse arrived she started solo thanks to her skills jack had thought her to survive and with her talent she gathered lot of attention and made a strong team of like-minded evolvers helping eachother to find their loved ones.

she had a dual elemental talent of lightning and light element making her extremely fast and dealt high damage and healing capability. she also learnt spells related to these elements due to amplify their effects.

veer rajput and Veena blade have close ties even before apocalypse sence he is friend of Jack blade.

there are many other small factions but they are getting crushed as we speak by zombies or other factions, those who survives will be at the top.

in this situation all the peace loving and old people found shield as a safe haven and took refuge there for building works they get to eat and sleep with safety.


thank you for reading my novel
