Chapter 2

"Okay, I'll do it, can you only promise me one thing, ?" I answer him.

Matteo nods, "What would it be, ?" reply.

"Don't leave me locked up here, I can bear that you let me be locked inside the house, but don't leave me in this basement, I can't stand being in confined places, it gives me a phobia," he confessed to her.

"Okay, I promise you it will, just don't meddle in things you don't care about, okay, ?" Matteo says.

I just nod in confirmation of him, Matteo has given me an understanding smile, and he has now turned to look into the darkness, where his hidden men were watching us.

"Tony, come untie her, please," Matteo orders his colleague.

From the shadows, Tony appears again, approaches my chair, and I feel how he begins to untie the rope that was tying my hands.

My hands relax as soon as they feel free, and then he began to untie my feet.

I stretched my body when I stood up and looked at Matteo.

"Come on, ?" He says.

"Yes, let's go," I reply.

We left the basement, he took me inside the mansion, it was a beautiful, elegant, modern place, I was surprised, the design of the house was much more beautiful than mine.

It was only two floors, but it was very clean, I loved the spiral staircase design with marble flooring.

Matteo guided me to my room, when I opened the door, I felt like I was at home because the room was very similar to mine, I have always been a fan of the classical era when women wore dresses when there was no technology, and that classic cars were the latest in fashion, yes, my favorite writer is Jane Austin, therefore, my room was decorated as if it were from a royal palace.

And the room in which I was going to sleep from now on for who knows how long, was identical, it had that same decoration between classic and elegant, it was perfect.

"Do you like it,?" Matteo asks as soon as he sees that I have remained silent due to the surprise that seeing the place has brought me.

I nod without saying more.

"Well, this will be a new room until the weather so decides, for now, it's too late, I'll go to rest, you should do the same," says Matteo.

"Yes, I will, rest," I replied, turning to look at him.

Matteo gives me a half-moon smile, and I reciprocate by doing the same, then, without saying anything else, he leaves my room, closing the door behind him so that I could have my privacy in a house I didn't know, in a house that was not mine, and now that I thought about it, it was already very late at night, and the reality was that since I was not in my house, I had no change of clothes in the closet, nor was I on hand a pair of pajamas that I could wear to sleep in, but I didn't have any other, because Matteo must have already locked himself in his room, I didn't know this mansion perfectly enough to make sure that I could leave my room to go to look for his and ask him to at least let me wear one of his shirts that I no longer wore to sleep.

With that, I would have slept more comfortably.

But it was not like that, I decided to stay in my room, the only thing I could do for myself was to lock the doorknob so that no one else would have the audacity to enter my room without asking my permission, and I hurried to approach her my bed because I started to take off my clothes, well, I only took off my blouse, shoes, socks, and the jean that I had been wearing since I left home before the kidnapping.

I decided to sleep in my underwear, it would be much more comfortable to sleep like that than having to sleep with clothes on.

I left my clothes stored inside the closet of the room, when I opened it I realized that it was empty, there were no clothes, there were no belongings of anyone that could serve as a sign to have found out that someone else used this room, more It was not like that, the room was empty and better for me, then I would not have problems because I had invaded the privacy of another who I did not know.

Furthermore, I went to bed, remembering that after I left home, I went to the university and had lunch there, I hadn't eaten anything else after lunch, thankfully my lunch was enough to last several hours. Without eating, however, my stomach was beginning to growl announcing to me that perhaps I was not going to last many hours without eating, but hey, what did it matter? I had to, and just decided it was time to go to bed and get under the covers, close my eyes, and fall into a deep sleep.

However, I don't know how much time could have passed, but since I could notice it, the only thing I did when I went to bed was to turn over and over in bed, with my eyes closed, but unable to fall asleep.

Finally, I ended up lying on the bed looking up at the ceiling, I had a lost look, all because I couldn't stop thinking about what my parents were doing right now, whether they are looking for me or not if they have of being worried about me, I knew that yes, that was the case, that they were looking for me, but on the other hand, I did not know if perhaps it was the nerves of knowing that I was about to get into the lion's den that it was going to be completely It was difficult for me to get out of there, which worried me a lot and did not let me sleep.