Chapter 3

My thoughts surround the silence of the room, I knew that I was not comfortable at all, it was precise because I was in a different place than my home, but it was also killing me, it was the simple fact of knowing that I knew that I would be doing things very badly in my life from now on.

I felt trapped in what seemed like a wave of feelings that mixed without having a way to stop, because I still wondered about what was happening with my parents, if they were okay, if they were looking for me or not.

I was thinking about escaping, however, I was sure I knew I couldn't do it because in the end I was surrounded by many bodyguards who would even kill me just because I tried.

While I was fighting my thoughts, so they wouldn't get the better of me, I heard a light knock on my bedroom door.

All my senses began to be altered just as my heart began to beat much faster.

And then, I decided to stand up, and approach cautiously, because finding myself in another house that was not mine, the most likely thing was that anyone could be knocking on the door.

But before moving the doorknob, I decided it was better to ask who was before.

"Who are you? Is that you, Matteo?" I said, trying not to sound more nervous than I already was.

The uncertainty filled me with terror when for a couple of seconds it seemed that no one was going to answer my question.

So, I decided to open the door slowly to confirm who it was that might be looking for me at this time of the morning.

For my peace of mind, when I opened the door I realized that it was Matteo who had been knocking on the door of my room, although what I couldn't understand was why Matteo hadn't responded when I spoke before opening it.

But when I stare at Matteo's face, I can see a feeling of concern come over him.

Relief came back when I realized that Matteo was just looking for me to find out if I was okay, he had come to see if I wanted to go have breakfast with him, I didn't know what to say, I didn't want to go but at the same time if I had to do it because now that I remember it, I had spent a couple of hours at night without eating anything, and my stomach was killing me.

"You could not sleep? Do you want to go down for breakfast? They have prepared something special, "says Matteo with a smile in his eyes.

"Yes, the truth is I couldn't sleep at all last night, and yes, I'll go have breakfast with you, the truth is that I'm hungry," I tell him trying to hide my nervousness at the idea that he was there.

"Well, follow me," says Matteo.

I just nod and decide to follow him, Matteo and I have left my room, we have gone down the stairs in the shape of a snail, and we turned to the left to find ourselves facing what was a large dining room with twelve seats, and it was made of fine wood that at the same time looked rustic, however, I could tell that it was a dining room that would cost a fortune if someone wanted to buy it.

Matteo has been such a gentleman to me as we approached the dining room, for before I could sit in the chair he had chosen for me, he stopped me, grabbed the chair, and gently pushed it back, then waved me over so that I could sit.

I smiled at him because that had been a nice gesture on his part, no other man, besides my father, had been able to have that tender detail with me, because being a nerd, it's not like I have many privileges like girls my age who weren't nerds and were attractive when it came to dealing with men.

"Thank you very much, you are very kind, "I say to Matteo as soon as I have sat down, and I have moved the chair a little closer until it is closer to the table.

Matteo gave me a tender half-moon smile that just seeing it caused my body to shudder, no, it wasn't a shudder due to fear or nerves, rather, it was from those nerves you felt when...

Did you start to like a person? Oh, shit no! That if not!

The last thing I needed now was to confuse my heart with a romance that could never come to pass.

"Are you OK?" Matteo asks when he saw me looking at a fixed point on the table, immersed in my thoughts.

"Yes, I am" I say, trying to sound sincere with my answer.

"Okay, I'll go get breakfast, and I'll be right back" says Matteo.

"Do you need my help?" I ask, directing my gaze at him again, avoiding wanting to look him directly in the eye.

"Don't worry, you're my guest, I'm going to serve you, with your permission," he replies.

I nod and Matteo moves out of my sight to enter the kitchen that had a small wooden door located in the middle of which one approached to push it with his body, and it opened inwards to let you enter the kitchen.

I was left alone for a few minutes, as Matteo hurried, and appeared again at my side with a wooden tray loaded with his hands and the plates of food served.

Matteo had prepared my favorite breakfast; scrambled eggs with bacon, pancakes, and orange juice.

"How did you know this is my favorite breakfast?" I ask Matteo at the moment he is about to put my plate in front of me.

"A mobster has his contacts who find out everything you want to know about his next business," he replies while he was in charge of putting his plate on his side of the table.

Business? Is that what I mean to him? A simple business that will leave him a lot of profit and that I will not get anything from it if everything goes well as he had planned for who knows how long?