Chapter 4

I didn't say anything about Matteo's comment, and I decided it was better to start having breakfast, because the truth was that I didn't feel up to it to start arguing with him right now, and to be honest, hunger was consuming me alive, so I better, I preferred to have breakfast before having to put up with a fight with Matteo that must not be easy to put up with.

Matteo stared at me for a few moments, while I ate breakfast in silence, however, I didn't look at him, not until he decided to sit in his place at the table and start eating breakfast too, we ate in silence, and when we finished having breakfast Matteo didn't allow me to pick up the dishes from the table to take them with me to the kitchen, he didn't let me help him just wash them and then put them away, no, he was the one who did everything, and he just asked me to stay seated in the dining room to wait for him to finish his homework because he was going to want to talk to me.

10 eternal minutes passed for me to wait for Matteo to finish organizing the kitchen, and when he came out, he came back to his place in the dining room to stare at me, and I was anxious to know what he wanted to talk to me that wasn't I knew if it was very urgent or not, but the anxiety of knowing what it was consuming me.

"Matteo, what do you want to talk to me about?" I ask, trying not to sound too anxious to want to know.

"Well, if you are going to stay here for a while, there are some rules that you must follow" Matteo begins to speak.

"What kind of rules?" I asked, feeling more nervous than I already was.

"First rule; You can't give your opinion to anything I say without being asked, especially when I'm talking to my men, okay?" he says.

As? Now, had this man turned out to be a macho in a time like this where the opinion of women was already so important in every sense of the word?

"OK?" Matteo insisted when he noticed that I have remained silent and thoughtful before his happy rule.

"Okay" I just replied before he could get mad at me for not saying anything.

Well, men like him used to behave like that when they thought they were superior to everyone.

"Second rule; You are not allowed to walk around the house or outside the house until I give you the order to do so, or one of my men goes with you to take care of you, or I go with you to make sure that you don't want to come by list and take advantage of the opportunity to escape, you will always stay in your room, okay?" Matteo continued speaking.

I sighed, and nodded my head without saying anything, the truth was, what was I going to be able to say about it? Nothing, absolutely nothing, because I wasn't in my house where it was the only place that had my own rules, this was his house, he was a mafioso, one of the most wanted and dangerous of our times, I had to follow the rules if at least I wanted to get out of here alive.

"Okay," I replied, as if I seemed to be a robot that only gave concrete answers.

"Third and last rule; do everything I ask you to do, no excuses, no denials, you will just say yes to everything, no matter where you don't do it, you may end up being punished as if you were a bad girl, okay, ?".

"Okay," I answered for the last time.

"Very well, you can retire to your room, at 11:00 in the morning we will leave, I will notify you when I want you to be ready, I have asked Tony to go shopping, and I have left you a couple of bags stored there, for Please, wear the most elegant outfit you can find, be pretty, okay?" says Matteo.

"But, how will I know what I have to wear to look pretty? It's just looked at me, I'm a nerd" I tell Matteo with an expression of disgust for my appearance that I don't even think I'll be able to do what he asks of me.

Sometimes I felt good about myself, but sometimes I didn't, because being a nerd who had always been judged by others for her style of clothing and for being very smart and always worrying about getting good grades in school was like a crime for me. Everyone, and when they judged me, it felt like a stone was thrown at my head and the blow so hard sent me to the ground unconscious immediately.

"Mm, don't worry, I think I can help you choose something, I've seen what a normal woman usually wears when she has to go out on a date, I was guided by that to buy you clothes, walk, let's not waste time, there's a lot to do" says Matteo.

A normal woman? That means that for him, I'm not a normal woman just for dressing like a nerd wearing shorts all the time, wearing only polo shirts that at least fit my figure and occasionally vary in color, that my hair it was tied up in a high ponytail, I wore large thick framed glasses that made me look like a mosquito, and to my dismay, I wore brackets that dulled the beauty of my eyes.

"I guess it's okay, let's go," I reply.

We left the dining room to go to my room, Matteo went to the closet, and indeed, what he had said was true, he had bought a lot of things for me, there were too many bags from brand stores that I didn't even know about paint because all I bought my clothes in one place.

Matteo has selected a bag after looking at the contents of the others, and he has left it on the bed.

"Try this on," he orders me.

I just stare at her without saying anything, I nod, grab the bag and go with her to the bathroom, lock the door to make sure she wouldn't want to spy on me, and take what was left of my clothes inside the bag.

It was a light blue jean, it also came with a blouse, it was like a kind of low-cut crop top that reached the waist long and was very attached to the figure of the body.