Chapter 5

I sigh because that was a style of clothing that I had never wanted to wear before, it was a style of clothing that I didn't know if I would feel safe wearing.

I admit that I didn't have a bad body, even my mother had told me so, my body was slim, but I was very well endowed with both breasts and legs and behind, not exaggerating, but I didn't see myself as a board either as my high school cheer team would say.

But I had to resign myself, because it was the clothes that Matteo has chosen for me, and one of the rules of his stay in the house, and of staying alive, was having to follow his orders.

I change my clothes, and I look at myself, the truth was that I felt very strange, I didn't feel comfortable, maybe it was because I had never bought clothes like this before, I always felt very good about myself wearing the usual clothes.

But that was how Matteo wanted me to dress, and that's how he was going to do it.

I've finished getting dressed, and I'm leaving the bathroom nervous about Matteo's reaction, however, looking into his eyes, I couldn't help but feel relieved, because his reaction was different from what I expected it to be.

"Wow, you look amazing, not having how you can't dress like that and always wear the same," says Matteo.

Listening to him, I asked myself: Matteo, are you serious? Don't you have better compliments to give a woman?

"So you think, ?" I ask Matteo uncertainly.

"Yes, you look wonderful, now, we will have to take you to the hairdresser's, I will go to a business lunch tonight with a very important partner for me, I have said that I will take a companion, and she will be you, please, walk, we have a lot to do" says Matteo.

What? Business dinner? That I will be his companion? No, not that!

But I couldn't refuse or comment on it.

"Okay, shall we go now, ?" I tell Matteo resigned.

"Yeah, let's go," he says.

I leave the room with Matteo, and we walk together to the outside patio of the house, there his black armored truck was parked with his respective driver waiting for us.

The driver was outside the truck, he had been looking at his cell phone until he sensed our presence and rushed to open the door for us and let us get in the car.

"Good morning sir, good morning miss" the driver tells us as we get into the car.

"Good morning Roger, please take us to the hairdresser's, you know which one" Matteo tells him.

I had gotten into the car first, and Matteo was getting in after me.

"Yes sir, how do you order?" says Roger, and proceeds to close the door.

Roger drives up the highway to get to a barber shop that seems to be more than just a barber shop.

The hairdresser seemed to be a luxurious, elegant, and sophisticated mansion, it was a place that only people who had a lot of money would enter there to afford hairdressing that had a value of up to 500 dollars if they could. Exaggerate the situation.

"You didn't know this place?" asks Matteo.

Roger parked the vehicle, opened the door for us again, and Matteo and I have gotten out of the car, Matteo knew immediately that I didn't know this place just because he saw my astonished face looking at him.

"No, the truth is that no, I'm not much of going to hairdressers as you may have noticed," I tell him without taking my eyes off the place.

"I understand, so let's not waste too much time and go inside," says Matteo.

I nod and we enter the room.

Once inside, I was surprised to see the beauty of the place, and when I realized that all the people who worked there were men, there was not a single woman in there fixing the odd hair.

"Matteo, my love, I'm glad you came, how have you been? What brings you to your visit here? A boy of perhaps our age has asked Matteo, he was thin, very thin, he wore a black uniform as a nurse, he had dyed white hair, and a piercing in his nose.

"Ramón, I've already told you many times that I don't like you to call me my love, we're friends, but don't go overboard with me as you do with others," Matteo tells him, trying not to sound too threatening because there were people close to us who could hear.

"Yes, I'm sorry, I just did it, it was to bother you, to make you smile for a while because the truth is that since I've known him, I've never been able to see him smile" says Ramón while looking at me as if he wanted to have me. Recounted that detail of Matteo's intimate life.

I don't say anything, I just give the boy a half-moon smile, and soon, tension in the air was made between us.

"Uh...well, what am I good for today?" Ramon asks.

"Can you give her a makeover? The truth is that she needs it and I have a business dinner tonight, she will be my companion and I want her to look beautiful" Matteo replies.

"Yes, of course, I do, change my look including makeup and hairstyle?" Ramón tells him at the same time that he was doing a one hundred and eighty-degree turn around me to examine my hair.

"Yes, change what you think she has to change, no matter what, or how much it costs, but leave her beautiful, okay?" Matteo tells Ramón.

I felt nervous, I didn't know how I was going to get that change of look that Matteo has ordered Ramon to do to me, I've never done one in my life, was I going to like it? Could it be that Ramón was going to turn me into another woman who was not even going to be recognizable in the eyes of my parents when I had the opportunity to see them again?