Chapter 6

"That being the case, let's get to work" says Ramón after getting tired of going around me to have analyzed my hair.

Matteo says nothing else and approaches the huge L-shaped chair that was in the entire hairdressing room, in addition to doing so, he takes out of his wallet a bill of I don't know how many dollars it was because in that same room and next to him, there was a coffee vending machine, Matteo was going to buy a coffee while I went with Ramón to where his workspace was.

A girl wearing the same uniform as Ramón approaches us with a black robe in her hands, and hands it over to Ramón, he puts the robe over my body and ties it around my neck, so it won't fall off.

I proceed to sit in the chair and I now look at myself in front of the mirror, to be honest, I did need a change, I was wearing cute clothes, appropriate for someone my age, but my nerdy girl look didn't change, and The best thing was that if I did, if I was going to start getting inside the world of the mafia and if I wanted them to respect me, with the look of a nerdy girl, I was not going to get it.

Ramón began with a change of look, while I was cutting my hair, two girls approached me with two small chairs and their boxes of nail-fixing implements, one of them was in charge of fixing my hands, and the other was in charge of fixing me the feet.

I asked them to put my nails in black paint color, and since they were so short that they were disgusting to look at, the manicurist gave me acrylic nails that would last me for a month so that my hands would look very pretty while my nails grew.

Ramón gave me a different haircut, one that I have never had in my life because my hair had always been very even, and that is why I did not like the idea of leaving it loose, and I always wore it tied up in a ponytail.

When I least imagined it, Ramón had changed my entire look in the blink of an eye.

I couldn't believe it, when I looked in the mirror, I saw a completely different woman, a woman the only thing that hindered her beauty was a pair of ugly and horrifying brackets that didn't help me to highlight the perhaps beauty that my teeth had, and my horrible nerd glasses.

Matteo had been busy all that time on his cell phone, who knows doing what, but hey, that didn't matter to me, what mattered to me was seeing his reaction, what he thought about how I turned out, but Ramón took care of him.

"Now yes, Matteo, I present to you my new creation," Ramón tells him while he has turned to look at him.

I was still sitting, but when I heard Ramón, I knew that he had to stand up I turned around, and I could see his face, he was completely surprised by my new change.

I just hoped it would be good for tonight's dinner, I was scared, I had barely been with Matteo for a couple of hours, and I was terrified of having to be introduced to his social circle as his wife when in fact I was not.

"Wow, very good job Ramón, I have always said it, you are the best stylist this city has" says Matteo with a triumphant smile in his eyes.

That smile made me feel calmer because the truth was that I didn't want to imagine what it would be like when he wouldn't have liked my change of look.

I didn't say anything, I just smiled.

"Thank you, thank you very much, now, dear, we need to talk about business, I have one that may interest you a lot," Ramón tells him, his voice was so feminine that I came to think that if it weren't for the fact that he had a man's body, Ramón could perfectly well Be Disguising himself and impersonating a woman when he needed to.

"Schedule an appointment with my secretary for Monday and I can see you in my office, do you agree? Now I can't do it, I have a very important business dinner tonight, and I need to take Alessandra to have those hateful braces removed," says Matteo.

That? Is Matteo seriously going to be able to take me to the dentist right now, so he can remove these hateful braces?

I was surprised.

"Okay, I'll do it, Alessandra, darling, it was a great pleasure to meet you, see you later," says Ramón approaching me to say goodbye with a double kiss on the cheek.

I responded by doing the same.

"Thank you for this change of look, Ramón," I tell him with a fascinated smile in my eyes.

"It's not that cute... But yes... Be very careful with Matteo, he can be a beast in bed, he has many strange fetishes that not everyone likes," Ramón said at the same time that he whispered in my ear.

I blush in response because the truth is that at no time had the idea of thinking that I could sleep with Matteo ever occurred to me, I didn't know if I was going to be able to do it, because I had a secret, I was a virgin Even at the age of 20, I had not found the right man with whom I would be able to share my most precious feminine treasure, and the truth is that I had no desire to do so either.

But would sleeping with Matteo be in my plans? Or within yours? He didn't know, and he didn't know what to do in case he wanted it that way.

Being a virgin isn't like it was something I wanted to shout from the four winds so that the whole world would find out about my private life.

No, nothing like that, I didn't want to see myself doing this.