Chapter 38

"Yes, just as you have heard, Matteo has sent me to come look for you, so don't think about it anymore, and get on the bike, because if you don't, well, you know, you won't have a way of wanting to go back to home, so Matteo lets you" said Priscila at the same time that she handed me a motorcycle helmet like the one she wears on her head so that I could put it on too.

I have remained still for a second, but I have decided to pay attention to Priscila, because to a large extent, she was very right; If I didn't go back with Matteo, the day he wanted to take me back to my house, I wouldn't be there to fulfill it, who knows where I might be, but on the other hand, I wanted to let Priscila just leave there, no. I know why, but it was as if with her doing that, I would be feeling completely free from having to suffer more so, just when I was tempted to want to get on the bike, I decided to back off and deny about it.