Chapter 39

Matteo has looked at Priscila and me, Priscila has only looked at Matteo while she only nodded her head slightly towards him without saying anything.

I have looked at Priscila, I have sincerely thanked her, and she has left there as if she was satisfied with what she had managed to achieve.

Matteo and I were left alone, looking at each other, and then, he took my arm, at first he did it gently, but then I felt that he did it with a little more force, he was hurting me, and he made me I forcefully enter the interior of the room.

Soon, I had my back leaning against the door of the room where Matteo was, and then, I felt how he started to get closer to me, and he was practically looking me in the eye.

I swallow because the truth was that I didn't really want to want him to be in that position with me after what had happened to me.