Ch - 5 - that man

Sudden the werewolf saw Darkness in the distance and he started running directly towards him air full speed.

Darkness also noticed the werewolf running towards him and a devilish smile appeared on his face.

The werewolf jumped with the momentum of the run and landed in front of Darkness and threw a powerful punch.

Darkness spun around coming to the werewolf's side and delivered a full power two handed blow to its lower arm leaving a big cut, blood spurting out.

The werewolf did bot react and quickly turned to Darknesses side throwing another punch.

This time the punch was to fast for Darkness to dodge so he put his katana in front of him minimize damage but he was sent flying a few meters back.

He rolled on the ground to take less damage from the landing but, his katana was broken from the punch's impact. He coughed up some blood at well. Although he did take much damage it was not something to put him out of the battle.

He coughed some blood and pondered " should have expected this " as he threw his broken katana to the ground and took out his second katana which he especially prepared for the event.

He started walking towards the werewolf's direction. with the silence of the night, cool air blowing from the nearby trees and the sight of two figures fighting with the moon on the background shining coldly.

The werewolf was throwing punch after punch that although Darkness was able to dodge was not able to retaliate.

Suddenly, steps of another figure were heard, both of them turned to look at him. He was a man wearing a pink cloth over his original plain clothes with patterns of pink petals.

He walked out and exclaimed " well what an unexpected sight to see "

Darkness quickly warned him " hey! Run away or you will probably die here "

Many people after Darknesses actions thought he was an evil person but he was a good guy at heart just crazy

" ah! Don't worry i will be fine after all i get to watch this fight " he replied back and sat down on the ground to watch the fight.

Darkness thought that that man was crazy so he did not warn him further.

The werewolf however really "cared" about the man and started running towards him.

Darkness did bot intervene and he knew he could not save the man and took the time to catch his breath.

The werewolf launched a punch towards his face.

But, the man dodged out the way.

The werewolf stopped at once, this was not a lucky dodge but a skill full one. When Darkness had dodged his punch he had just did it barely but this man did it with ease at if it was not even a challenge!

Who the hell was this man? Were Rosh and Darkness not the strongest people on the server?

The man nonchalantly said " hey! Why did you stop the fight i was good entertainment "

The werewolf threw a kick this time, this time also the man dodged easily.

Darkness knew at once looking at the man that was not an ordinary person. He had reached the peak. The peak of human limits ,he had trained his body to perfection. There was no stronger man that him in the whole server. Even him and Rosh together might not be able to beat him.

The man unsheathed his sword and said " if you continued to attack me i will have no other choice that to kill you "

The werewolf was somewhat intimidated by him but he still threw a slash with his nails. This time the man did not dodge but simply in a calm manner sliced all the fingers of his attacking arm off.

The werewolf was absolutely horrified he started running away from this mans direction. While running away he thought that man was more of a monster than he was he could not ever think of defeating him!

Darkness stared at the man and asked " may i know your name.... sir "

The man looked at him and said " ah no need to be so formal, just call me Vesg"

" okay Vesg " he was taken aback by his very friendly attitude.

Darkness asked " why did you not kill the werewolf i know you were fully capable of that and you would have also gotten a sweat reward for it? "

Vegs looked ay him and signed and said " i am already strong enough if a get even stronger fights will not excite me any more "

" wanna have a duel with me ? " vegs asked

"Absolutely!!" Darkness replied

(The werewolf who was running away)

He stopped when he knew he was far away from that man.

Suddenly he heard footsteps and saw mystical.

" guys this night scene is so beautiful i wish this was a permanent change in the game " he said obviously talking to his chat

The werewolf came out behind him ready to kill him.

Just as he swiped with his non-fingers-cut-off-hand mystical tripped and fell dodging the strike.

Ad soon as he saw the werewolf behind him he took off running without a second thought. Running was mystical's speciality as he often ran away form dogs in his neighborhood.

He took off so fast even the werewolf was surprised. But started chasing after him once he got his head together.

The werewolf was faster than mystical thought and he caught up to him in a few minutes. He swiped again why mystical stopped dead on his tracks and bent down.

Avoiding the attack. Mystical also hit the werewolf feet with a small dagger he had hidden. Combined with the momentum of the run and the attack resulted in the werewolf falling down with a loud thud and rolling several feet giveing mystical enough time-to run off.

The werewolf growled swearing that he would definitely kill him.

(While on the other side)

" You ready "vegs said

"You bet" Darkness said as he charged towards vegs wanting to know how big the gap Truly was between the strongest and him.

Chapter 5 end ...